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Chapters 11 and 12.

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1 Chapters 11 and 12

2 Legislative Branch A group of people called Strict Constructionist, led by Thomas Jefferson supported the anti-federalist way. They believed the states should have more power and Congress should be very limited.

3 Legislative Branch Liberal Constructionist were led by Alexander Hamilton. They believed that the Federalist way was the best type of government. Most of the expressed powers of Congress were written in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. Article I Section 8 Clause 1 gives Congress the power to tax

4 Review Article of Confederation did not give Congress the power to tax and this one was of the many examples of why the document was so weak. A direct tax is a tax paid by the person to whom it is imposed. For example, income taxes. Congress and the Supreme Court decide whether or not a tax is direct or indirect. An indirect tax is a tax paid by one person, but then passed on to another. Example would be tobacco companies paying the U.S. Treasury for making cigarettes. The company than passes on that tax to the people that buy cigarettes.

5 Congress Borrow money on the credit of the U.S. to finance projects that it does not have the money to pay for. Every year Congress spends more money than we make which has led to the U.S. having a very large debt. This borrowing of money causes Congress to spend more than it makes which is called deficit financing. Because of this the public debt has risen to over 6 trillion dollars.

6 Commerce Power Is the power of Congress to regulate both interstate and foreign trade. This too was a power missing from the Articles of Confederation The Constitution also gives Congress the power to coin money and regulate the value of money. This is called the Currency Power. Congress did not create money and make it legal tender until All money before this were metals. Legal tender means money that a creditor must by law accept as payment for a debt

7 Congress Also deals with laws pertaining to bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding in which a person who is bankrupt will divide their assets between those whom they owe debt to. This proceeding frees the person from all debts owed before filing bankruptcy. Read Chapter 11 Section 1 for tomorrow and come with nay questions you may have.

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