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VaR Timeline March 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "VaR Timeline March 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 VaR Timeline March 2007

2 VAR Time Line End of Month Start of Month
Com issued 13th of month Com paid 24th of month Rec invoice paid 5th of month Rec issued 26th of month Cap issued 6th of month Cap paid 20th of month VAR = Rec +15 days of Av (Cap + Com +/- Rec +/-ad hoc +/- …….) VAR = Cap + 15 days of Av (Cap + Com +/- Rec +/-ad hoc +/- …….) VAR = Cap+ Com +15 days of Av (Cap + Com +/- Rec +/-ad hoc +/- …….) VAR + Com +15 days of Av (Cap + Com +/- Rec +/-ad hoc +/- …….) VAR = 15 days of Av (Cap + Com +/- Rec +/- ad hoc +/- ……) npower, RWE Group /02/2019

3 How is the .REC invoice accommodated Large ad hoc invoices
npower, RWE Group /02/2019

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