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Assa Auerbach, Ilya Finkler, Bert Halperin and Amir Yacoby

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1 Assa Auerbach, Ilya Finkler, Bert Halperin and Amir Yacoby
Self Organization in Non Equilibrium: The Quantum Hall Zero Conductance State Assa Auerbach, Ilya Finkler, Bert Halperin and Amir Yacoby Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005) Organizing Principle: Lyapunov Functional Zero Conductance Domains Phase. Introducing Long Range Disorder . Experimental effects of disorder potentials.

2 ZRS Dark magneto resistance: Shubnikov-de-Haas oscillations at large B
Hall resistance (classical) Dark magneto resistance: Shubnikov-de-Haas oscillations at large B Microwave photo resistance. oscillations with period: ZRS

3 Microscopic Theory: negative conductivity
Ando+Uemura. No radiation, weak magnetic field: (SCBA) Durst et. al. (Yale). Displacement Photoconductivity (DP) ---> negative conductivity Dimitriev, Mirlin, Polyakov, Aleiner, Vavilov Distribution Function (DF) photoconductivity.

4 Magneto Transport theory
j(E) is determined by microscopics at lengthscales < lc If: Hall current drops out! Since there exists a scalar functional

5 The Lyapunov functional
If exists, then 1. Extrema of G are Kirchoff Steady States. 2. G is a spontaneously decreasing function of time! (like a ‘Free Energy’). Electrostatics:

6 The Global Lyapunov Minimum: (Ground Steady-State)

7 The Zero Conductance state (no long range disorder)
Negative conductivity is unstable toward creation of finite field domains corbino Free motion of domain wall under external bias: Zero Conductance

8 Domains in two dimensions: Clean system
unstable regime Lyapunov function domain walls bisect field directions photoinduced electric potential What are the effects of a long range potential disorder?

9 Coupling a slowly varying internal field
electrochemical field photocurrent Microscopics: the different role of electric and electrochemical fields in the current equation: More Generally: a weak internal field modifies g: The induced field would align with the disorder, but it is frustrated by the stability constraint

10 White noise disorder (Imry-Ma argument)
In D=2 white noise disorder is irrelevant to the Zero Conductance State. Mesoscopic current fluctuations

11 One dimensional disorder
Resistance is finite: 2. Disorder induces a photovoltaic effect:

12 stability constraints on domain walls with disorder
1. The field magnitude at domain walls is marginally stable . 2. E is a gradient: domain walls locally constrained by domain wall 3. Currents at domain walls are 4. Domains enclose zero ``2D charge’’ of the disorder potential

13 The separable `Egg Carton’ potential
Charge density

14 correlated disorder f(x)+g(y)

15 2D disorder (non separable)
radiation Field E cannot fully align with disorder field Ed: Frustration

16 Charge and dissipative currents
1. Domain walls are pinned. 2. Frustration drives circulating dissipative currents. 3. I(V) is discontinuous, walls jump between steady states ==> glassiness.

17 conclusions For constant Hall conductivity, there is a Lyapunov functional which organizes the stability of steady states The Zero Conductance State survives weak 2D white noise disorder. The disorder fields produces a photo voltage and circulating dissipative currents. 1D and correlated or strong 2D disorder pins domain walls and produce finite resistivity. Soon: A fuller microscopic theory for j(E): the magnitude of induced fields, detailed phase diagram and frequency dependent magnetoresistance.

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