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Pre-Post LASIK Complaints of Glare / Halo

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Post LASIK Complaints of Glare / Halo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Post LASIK Complaints of Glare / Halo
Richard A. Norden, MD

2 OD Preop OD -4.75= -0.25X124 = 20/20+ 31 year-old male police officer
Normal Pent and Orb Pach .538 Colvard Pupillometry 7.0mm Normal SLE and Fundus

3 Pre-op WaveScan OD

4 Pre-op OD

5 Pre-op OD

6 Pre-op Belin-Ambrosio OD

7 Pre-op OD

8 OD Postop UCVA 20/15 from 2nd month post-op to present (8 months post-op) RMS 0.99 Subjective severe glare at night outside and in dark rooms

9 Post-op OD

10 Post-op OD

11 Post=op OD

12 Post-op OD

13 Pre-Op OS -5.00 = -0.25 X 153 = 20/20+ Normal Pent and Orb Pach .545
Colvard Pupillometry 7.0 mm Normal SLE and Fundus

14 Pre-op OS

15 Pre-op OS

16 Pre-op OS

17 Pre-op Belin-Ambrosio OS

18 Pre-op OS

19 OS Postop UCVA 20/15 from 2nd month through current (8 months)
RMS 0.98 Horrible night glare and halos

20 Post-op OS

21 Post-op OS

22 Post-op OS

23 Post-op OS

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