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for extra revision materials

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1 for extra revision materials
The 4 P’s of Marketing Price Product Which of the above do you think is most important to Hik U? Refer to the scenario…

2 for extra revision materials
The 4 P’s of Marketing Promotion Placement What is the difference between Promotion and Placement for Hik U?

3 for extra revision materials
Market Research Primary Research Secondary Research Hik U do not regularly use their website, how can they find out if customers are happy with their products?

4 for extra revision materials
Market Sector Can you name some different types of market sector? What market sector does Hik U fit into? Give reasons…

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Sources of Finance Internal External As Hik U wish to move into Europe, how could they finance this initiative? Give reasons…

6 Costs, Revenue and Profit
for extra revision materials Costs, Revenue and Profit From your notes, write down a definition for the following terms: Costs Revenue Sales Profit Loss Break even From the case study, can you think why sales may be more important to Hik U than profit?

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