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Vendredi 3 Novembre Français I

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Presentation on theme: "Vendredi 3 Novembre Français I"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vendredi 3 Novembre Français I
Write all you know about the famous French cemeteries Le verbe être et les pronoms 5 P Livre Espace 4 oral 5 et 6 P 10 Cahier Espace Activités 1-6 P 9-10 Espace cahier Test on Tuesday

2 Vendredi 3 Novembre Français PreAP-AP
Write all you know about the famous French cemeteries Questions sur le musée Carnavalet à rendre. Presenting haunted places on Monday How to write an essay? AP- PreAP AP ► Ladd Essay nº1 = faire un plan F.PreAP ► continuer PC/IMP P 262

3 Vendredi 3 Novembre Français II
Write all you know about the famous French cemeteries Les voyages Vocabulaire Espace P Notes Mise en pratique 1, 2, 3 P 219 Introduction au micro dialogue

4 P 218 ►Hi ►How are you? ► Good and you? ►Good, thanks! Why are you packing (“doing your suitcase?) ►Because I am going to make a trip ►Where are you going to travel? ►I am going overseas, to Spain ►How are you going to Spain? ►I am going to take the plane, I have a flight at 22h35 at the Phoenix airport. ►Do you have your passport for customs? ►Yes, I have my ticket and I am going to call a cab now ►Have a nice vacation! ► Thank you!

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