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Liturgy with Older People

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Presentation on theme: "Liturgy with Older People"— Presentation transcript:

1 Liturgy with Older People
Session One Exploring Expectations and our Theologies of Worship James Woodward st November 2017

2 What might we want from today ?

3 Coming consciously into the presence of God

4 What is Worship? Worship is offered through any kind of action being worthy of God when ‘what we give is the BEST we can give’; the using of our gifts, offering them up, giving worth to God. being renewed by the Spirit our adoration of God

5 Bringing elements together
They are brought together by a common language or, for those for whom language is difficult, by the use of symbols. offering praise and thanksgiving; listening; opening oneself up to give and to receive.

6 1. Worship is our purpose We were created to worship
Worship is our wholehearted response to God

7 2. Worship is our priority
We choose to make worship our priority Worship first, Service second (Luke 10:38-42) Great Commandment before the Great Commission

8 3. Worship is about God’s presence
Worship is about relationship Worship is found in the person of Christ Worship is a gift Worship changes us

9 Next Steps: Questions for Discussion
Ice breaker: Share your best horror worship moment. How easily do we juggle our priorities? How has worship changed you?

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