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ASCCC Regional Meeting

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1 ASCCC Regional Meeting
Course Substitution and Reciprocity – Local Degrees and Certificates, General Education, and ADTs ASCCC Regional Meeting March 2017 Dave DeGroot, Allan Hancock College Latonya Parker, Moreno Valley College Randy

2 How well do you tolerate ambiguity?
This course substitution and reciprocity business is driving me crazy! Randy – share your experience as a curriculum chair at Southwestern July 2016

3 Overview Definitions: Reciprocity & Course Substitution
Certificates & Degrees General Education Patterns Associate Degree for Transfer – ADT’s Best Practices Tools of the Trade/Resources Dave – Under Best Practices mention ADT Course Substitution Paper Draft March 2018

4 Reciprocity Merriam-Webster Dictionary: REC-I-PROC-I-TY (res-uh-pros-i-tee): noun. a situation or relationship in which two people or groups agree to do something similar for each other. Colleges that adopt a reciprocity policy honor the ways in which courses are used at other community colleges when certifying that course work at their college. Dave – Example: accepted practice use course in their CSU GE pattern even if the comparable course on your campus is in a different CSU GE Area. March 2018

5 Course Substitution A course substitution takes the place of a required course in a curriculum, provided it does not compromise the integrity of the course and/or program outcomes. Dave – Example: Psychology ADT List A March 2018

6 Example: ADT – Bus Admin List A Business Calculus Component Course Sub: Calculus 1?
C-ID Course Title Possible CSU GE Units Select one of: MATH 110 Introduction to Statistics B4 3 MATH 130 Finite Mathematics MATH 140 Business Calculus Dave – JUMPING AHEAD A BIT w/ an ADT Example: Course Sub for ADT Psychology List A March 2018

7 Certificates & Degrees Reciprocity
Typically based on course-to-course comparability with local discipline faculty deciding course substitution and/or reciprocity agreements. However, now C-ID designations trump local discipline decisions. Future: more CTE C-ID course descriptors. Dave – Step back from ADTs for a moment and look at certificates and degrees in general March 2018

8 Accounting Certificate Allan Hancock
Dave Example of how C-ID is a Systemwide Reciprocity and automatic Course Substitution March 2018

9 Accounting Certificate Irvine Valley College
Dave Specifically look at Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting If no C-Id, then discipline faculty decision based on COR review. March 2018

10 C-ID Accounting Designators
C-ID Prefix & Descriptor Title |College Prefix & Course Title ==== Allan Hancock College ==== ACCT 110 Financial Accounting |ACCT 130 Financial Accounting ACCT 120 Managerial Accounting|ACCT 140 Managerial Accounting ==== Irvine Valley College ==== ACCT 110 Financial Accounting |ACCT 1A Financial Accounting ACCT 120 Managerial Accounting |ACCT 1B Managerial Accounting Allan Hancock College must accept Irvine Valley’s ACCT 1A and 1B for their ACCT 130 and ACCT 140 and visa-versa. Dave – If both colleges have C-ID then must accept each other’s courses: Systemwide Reciprocity March 2018

11 GE Reciprocity - Defined
REC-I-PROC-I-TY (res-uh-pros-i-tee): noun. The relation or policy in [general education] dealings between [California community colleges] by which corresponding advantages or privileges are granted by each [college] to the [students] of the other. The Case for Reciprocity. ASCCC Rostrum (2010) Dave March 2018

12 GE Reciprocity - Applied
Local General Education Pattern Course-to-course comparability Regional reciprocity Honoring courses in other CCC GE pattern AP (CCC GE AP)/CLEP/IB C-ID Dave – Examples of how courses within CCC GE patterns are accepted. Speak briefly to new CCC GE AP Policy March 2018

13 GE Reciprocity – Applied (cont)
IGETC and CSU GE Transfer Patterns Course-to-course comparability (not for CCC, but for private or out-of-state). CCC reciprocity established by UC/CSU. AP/CLEP/IB for CSU GE AP/IB for IGETC Dave – Examples of CCC courses fitting into CSU or UC GE Transfer Suystemwide Patterns March 2018

14 Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) ASCCC Reciprocity Statement
Dave – September of 2013 ASCCC guidelines for Reciprocity and course substitutions in ADTs March 2018

15 2013 Reciprocity Document Primary Message
the ASCCC urges colleges to allow all reasonable course substitutions that are consistent with the parameters of the TMCs. Dave – Think of the example earlier with the Psychology ADT List A. This intent has been interpreted in some cases very strickly and in others very losely. March 2018

16 Reciprocity Statement: Guides
Pass along/accept courses as part of another college’s ADT that are deemed reasonable; Maintain local control for course substitutions; Where C-ID descriptors are not in place and/or where the substitution does not involve deeming two courses comparable, make informed course substitution decisions by the judgment of discipline faculty Deanna Reminder: GE is also passed along. March 2018

17 Reciprocity Statement: Guides
Ensure substitutions are consistent with the TMC parameters (some TMCs allow more flexibility in course substitutions than others); Apply external sources of credit: (e.g. AP, IB, CLEP) toward the GE and major. Use statewide documents and local policies for such determinations; and, Credit by Exam: Utilize existing local credit by exam policies. Deanna March 2018

18 S16 ASCCC Resolution Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop by Spring 2017 resources that provide guidance to local senates on effective practices for the appropriate use of course substitutions by students who have transferred between colleges and who intend to earn an Associate Degree for Transfer while ensuring that the integrity of the degree is not compromised. Dave – There is an ADT Course Substitution Best Practice Paper Draft working it’s way through appropriate review and will be presented at the Fall Plenary. March 2018

19 C-ID Website & ADT Course Substitution Guidelines
Go to C-ID Policies and Guidelines Link: At that page under Guidelines:  ADT Substitution Guidelines with Scenarios March 2018

20 Tools of the Trade C-ID ASSIST CCCCO TMC templates
CCC Transfer Counselor Website Articulation Officers are your go to folks!! Dave – AOs have one foot in student services and one foot in academic affairs. Only about 40% of us are full time. However, we are a tight community and your AO if not sure can find out! C-ID AO Subgroup & Association Regional Mentors Quickly show you some of these resources that AOs can help find answers for you. There are resources to assist you March 2018

21 C-ID
Click on the link for the Transfer Model Curriculum Dave March 2018

22 ASSIST also has C-ID approvals, but may not always be current.
Dave – Good for one more year. ASSIST Next Generation will look different and will not initially have C-ID information. Need to know how to use C-ID Website – AO! Example: Determining baccalaureate transferability Abnormal Psychology.

23 The CCCCO web page has all the TMC templates.
Dave – C-ID TMC Site LINKS to CCCCO. Talk about template revisions; always check when submitting templates that you have the latest version. CCCCO doesn’t announce when templates are updated!! Note: new templates!

24 TMC Template Dave- March 2018

25 TMC: Political Science
Dave – Don’t have to develop local ADT in this format. However, must align.

26 Flexibility Note the courses that are permissible.
Dave - Political Science Some TMCs are very flexible, others not so much. March 2018

27 CCC Transfer Counselor Website
Dave website lists college’s ADT degree requirements – really only resource to see other college’s ADTs: ASCCC Encourages reciprocity March 2018

28 Best Practices Establish Board policy
Develop local policies that are consistent with mandate but flexible enough to support students. Regional Reciprocity ASCCC Resources – ADT Course Substitution Best Practices (F17 Plenary) Dave March 2018

29 Local Board Policy Example
The district shall permit the waiver or substitution of courses required for completion of an associate degree or a program certificate, providing the district does not offer the required course on a regular basis and has a comparable course; or providing the student submits evidence that a course taken at another college is comparable to one required at Allan Hancock College. Dave March 2018

30 Regional Reciprocity Bernie March 2018

31 Questions, Concerns All March 2018

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