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Desegregating American Society

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1 Desegregating American Society

2 Information: 15 million African Americans made their home in the south and were bound by a segregated society and Jim Crow laws The AA culture faced social segregation dealing with everything from schoolroom to restroom (there were segregated toilets, drinking fountains, restaurants, and waiting rooms, trains, buses) 20 percent of eligible southern blacks were registered to vote

3 Information: In 1960 segregation was so bad that white television producers would block black speakers from being aired in the south Six black war veterans, claiming the rights for which they had fought for overseas, were murdered in the summer of 1946 A Mississippi mob lynched black fourteen-year-old Emmett Till in 1955 for allegedly leering at a white woman However, in the north more racial progress was made after the war. Jack Roosevelt Robinson cracked the racial barrier in the MLB when he signed with the Dodgers

4 Information: Wendell Willkie published One World which advocated for racially blind universalism The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) enjoyed some success In 1944 the Supreme Court ruled the “white primary” unconstitutional In 1950 NAACP chief legal justice Thurgood Marshall (later a supreme court marshall), in the case of Sweatt v. Painter, wrung from the High Court a ruling that separate professional schools for blacks failed to meet the test of equality.

5 national-history-naacp-first-meeting-1919-a-615x290.png 1st Source:

6 2nd Source: hypocrisy-of-segration-after-wwii.jpg

7 3rd Source: 11-16-Connerly.jpg

8 Academic Questions: Analyze why relations were worse in the south than in the north. Determine why the NAACP gained power or some support in the north.

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