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Knights Charge Why did Kennedy win the Election of 1960?

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1 Knights Charge Why did Kennedy win the Election of 1960?
What was the Bay of Pigs? What was the result? What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? What was the result? Describe the Kennedy’s domestic and foreign programs (There’s 2) What was the Warren Commission? What did it conclude?

2 Knights Charge 5/4 Write an ACES paragraph to the following question:
Do you believe JFK was a “Progressive” President? (Hint: It helps to know what progressive means) Write another paragraph explaining if you feel JFK was a good President. Be sure to include events and facts that support both answers.

3 The Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson

4 The Kennedy Legacy “No memorial oration or eulogy could more eloquently honor President Kennedy that the earliest possible passage of the Civil Rights Bill for which he fought so long” -LBJ, speech before a Joint Session of Congress, 1963 Johnson shared many of the same goals as Kennedy Passes Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 Civil Rights Act- outlawed discrimination and segregation based on race, sex, color, religion, national origin Voting Rights Act- enforced equal voting rights


6 Johnson Declares a War on Poverty
Passes War on Poverty bill helped the poor through healthcare, education, and jobs

7 The Great Society His plan to improve America was known as the Great Society Its goal was to end poverty and racial injustice

8 Features of LBJ’s Great Society
Healthcare Insurance Medicare- Health insurance for the elderly Medicaid- Health insurance for the poor Improved education for the poor Protecting the environment New immigration policies Immigration and Nationality Act of open up boarders to more immigrants

9 The Warren Court Most liberal Supreme Court in American history
Many decision supported civil rights, civil liberties, voting rights, and personal privacy

10 Landmark Court Cases of the Warren Court
Mapp vs Ohio- evidence obtained illegally could not be used against you Gideon vs. Wainwright- offender had be given access to a lawyer before questioning Miranda vs. Arizona- criminal had to be informed of their 5th and 6th Amendment rights before questioning

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