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Psalm 55:9-16 ( Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 55:9-16 ( Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 55:9-16 ( Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 55B Music: Ludwig Spohr Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. O swal-low up their tongues, O Lord; Con-fuse them and di-vide;
For in the ci - ty I’ve seen strife and vi – o - lence a bide

3 For day and night up - on her walls the ci-ty they sur - round
While mis-chief and in – i – qui - ty in - side of her is found.

4 2. A realm of vast de-struct-tion thrives…
…with-in her ver - y heart, And from her streets op-pres-sion, fraud… …and craft do not de part.

5 It was no foe re - proach-ing me, for that I could en - dure
It was no hat-er ris-ing up, or I could hide se - cure;

6 3. But it was thou, a man, a friend, My col-league all a - long
We shared sweet fe-low-ship and… …walked to God’s house in the throng

7 Let death o’er-take them to the pit a-live let them de - part;
For wick-ed-ness is in their house and lives with-in their heart.

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