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By Helen Ketteman Illustrations by Scott Goto

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Presentation on theme: "By Helen Ketteman Illustrations by Scott Goto"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Helen Ketteman Illustrations by Scott Goto
Heat Wave! By Helen Ketteman Illustrations by Scott Goto

2 Genre: Tall Tale Characters with exaggerated qualities and abilities perform fantastic feats.

3 Key Concept: Heat waves

4 Key Vocabulary Affected Horizon Miscalculated Singe Temperature
Weather vane

5 Affected- v. caused a change in
The hot sun affected the temperature of the earth.

6 Horizon- n. line along which the earth and sky seem to meet
Heat can make the horizon appear blurry and wavy.

7 Miscalculated- v. figured incorrectly
I miscalculated the amount of money I need to pay for the tickets.

8 Singe- v. to burn slightly
The fire was so hot that my marshmallow started to singe.

9 Temperature- n. measure of heat or coldness
The temperature began to rise as soon as the sun appeared.

10 Weather vane- n. movable pointer that shows wind direction
The weather vane pointed to the south when the strong wind blew.

11 Now let’s take a look at some of the reading skills we will practice as we read Heat Wave…

12 Strategy Focus: Evaluate
What amazing things happen when a heat wave strikes a Kansas farm? Evaluate how the author and the illustrator make this story funny and incredible.

13 Comprehension Skill Focus: Fantasy and Realism
As you read the story, decide which details are made up and which ones can really happen. Then you can record your findings on a fantasy/realism chart.

14 Fantasy/Realism Chart
Page Story Detail Fantasy (F) or Realism (R) ? 361 Geese are plucked, stuffed, and roasted. Geese are cooked in the sky. R F 367 Milk is churned into butter. ________________________________

15 Enjoy Selection 3: Heat Wave
Check out for more activities relating to Heat Wave.

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