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MAP 2019 Presentation Information

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1 MAP 2019 Presentation Information

2 Logistics Arrive at least 20 minutes early.
Check in with Mrs. Boisvert outside main gym. Tell Mrs. Boisvert your name and the teacher you are interviewing with. (Don’t assume she knows your name) Wear appropriate clothing. Dress as if you are going to a job interview that you really want. No hats allowed!

3 Personal Introduction
3 – 5 minutes GREETING: Introduce yourself Shake their hands (if you don’t want to shake their hands because you’re sick just let them know that) Tell them about yourself: This is the part you need to prepare Bring a prop (medals, pictures, example of school work, PowerPoint presentation, etc.) If you choose to use technology or other specific equipment in your interview, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO BRING WHAT YOU NEED TO THE PRESENTATION.  (ie:  laptop, sound system, etc.) This is your opportunity to tell them who you are, your accomplishments and your passions, hobbies and interests.

4 Education, Career & Life Plan
8 – 10 minutes What is your short / medium / long term plan for after high school? What career credentials will you need? (degree, diploma, red seal certification, class 1 driver’s license, etc.) How will you attain these credentials? (college, university, apprenticeship, etc.) Life Plans: World travel, marriage, children, owning your own business, etc. Share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.

5 SD23 Attributes of a Learner
2 – 3 minutes What did you identify as your strongest attribute? Why? How do you feel this attribute will help you in your Education, Career, & Life Plan? Connect the Attributes of a Learner to your Career and Life Plan.

6 Advice from previous panel members
Here's what past panel members (staff and community members) have suggested to students who are preparing their presentations: "Dress appropriately for an interview.  This isn't the time for a ball hat or winter touque.“ "Relax and enjoy - it is an opportunity to show us who you are!“ "Don't chew gum during the interview.“ "Make eye contact!“ "Greet panel members and say thank you at the end."  "Nervousness is okay, but remember this is a conversation about YOU and YOU are the expert on YOU!“ "BRAG more!  Don’t be afraid to be proud of what you have done!“ "Consider ways of using technology to present your MAP.“ "Dress sharp!  Treat this like an interview for a job you really want!“ "PRACTICE your presentation before you come.“ "Pictures are GREAT!“ "Come well prepared!“ "Be proud of your accomplishments!  Be confident!  Don't underestimate yourself!"

7 Conclusion Shake the interviewer’s hands again and thank them for their time. Please exit quietly. The food at the front is not for you! Congratulations you have completed the requirements for Graduation Transitions 12!

8 District Authority Awards Online applications only. No paper applications will be accepted. The District Award Scholarships reward graduating BC students for excellence in their chosen area of skill and or passion. A student who wins a District Award Scholarship will be mailed a congratulatory letter, a certificate and a voucher for $1250 from the Ministry of Education (around November). This voucher can be redeemed when the student is registered and attending a designated post-secondary institution or an authorized trades training provider, and is valid for a period of up to FIVE years. Students must be recommended by a person associated with School District No. 23 (Teacher, Coach, Dual Credit Instructor, Administrator, or Counsellor).

9 District Award Scholarships will be distributed to selected graduating students who excel in, and plan to pursue a career in any of the following skill areas: Indigenous Languages and Culture (demonstrated at school or in the community) Fine Arts (Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music) Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies (Business, Technology, Home Economics, Information Communication Technology) Physical Activity (Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, etc.) International Languages (French, Spanish, German, ASL, etc.) Community Service (must be related to a career choice and show significant leadership initiative, organization, and commitment: including a demonstration of local and global issues) Technical and Trades Training (Carpentry, Automotive, Mechanics and Cook Training, etc.)

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