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PEN workshop 2009 PEN RQs Arild Angelsen PEN coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "PEN workshop 2009 PEN RQs Arild Angelsen PEN coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 PEN workshop 2009 PEN RQs Arild Angelsen PEN coordinator

2 What is a (good) research question?
A good RQ limits the scope of the analysis and structures it It helps the reader – you tell them what you are going to answer. It simply makes it more interesting! Sharply defined and can be answered in one sentence, possibly with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ Not so good: Which factors influence the use of forests? A better one: Do female headed households have higher forest income?

3 … good RQs The really good RQs address a puzzle or apparent paradox
contradictory impacts, or contrary to conventional wisdom Example: Why does LFM not benefit the poor? Researchable: Can the theses answer the question, given: The data availability and variability (e.g., enough variation in the data to test the hypotheses) The skills

4 PEN overall RQ: What is the current role of tropical forests in poverty alleviation, and what policy options can enhance that role? Five broad research questions: What is the contribution of forests and other environmental assets to rural livelihoods? How do different forest tenure and management regimes impact on rural livelihoods and forest use/dependency?

5 …PEN RQs 3. How does increased market access and integration affect livelihood and forests dependency 4. What is the two-way link between poverty and deforestation? 5. How does payment for environmental services (PES) impact on rural livelihoods and forest use/dependency?

6 .. PEN RQs For each of the questions asked above (and also below), one might ask how the answer varies by: Household characteristics (poor, young, household headship, migrants, etc.) Forest resource base: forest type and condition, degradation, forest cover Local control and management, tenure, user groups Economic dev./market integration

7 Research themes Livelihoods
General on importance of forest income in rural liv. Safety nets, shocks, vulnerability Seasonal gap filling – regular consumption Specialization-diversification Pathways and asset accumulation

8 2. Land tenure, LFM, decentralization
Local forest management Property rights & tenure Decentralization 3. Markets access and integration Market integration Forest product markets

9 4. Forest cover change 5. PES 6. Other topics
Deforestation analysis at hh level 5. PES Environmental services Tourism/national parks 6. Other topics Climate mitigation Climate adaptation Happiness

10 The partner presentations
“Unity in diversity” Unity: The common questions: inform the global analysis Diversity: local & ‘national circumstances’ Continental group work One responsible to gather (Miriam, Shiba, Mutamba) Find time, present on Friday Aim: commonalities, key findings, joint work?

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