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Service provider name Name of the programme TRAINING FOR Provider senior Mmanagement and staff WELCOME !

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Presentation on theme: "Service provider name Name of the programme TRAINING FOR Provider senior Mmanagement and staff WELCOME !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Service provider name Name of the programme TRAINING FOR Provider senior Mmanagement and staff

2 Overview of the training
Presentation of the International Red Cross an Red Crescent Movement The programme What is the programme? How does it work? Encashment provider responsibilities XXX Red Cross / Red Crescent responsibilities What not to do Comments and suggestions

3 The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

4 Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Largest humanitarian network in the world 90 millions volunteers More than 185 National Societies around the world – present in almost all countries Four Peace Nobel Prizes (1901, 1918, 1945, 1963) Observatory Member of the United Nations

5 Principles and Values of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement
Humanity Impartiality Neutrality Independence Voluntary service Unity Universality VALUES Life protection Respect Non-discrimination Mutual understanding Friendship Cooperation Voluntary service Solidarity Friendly environment

6 Presentation of Host National Society
Mission of Host National Society Main areas of activity

7 Presentation of host NS activities in the country
Examples of intervention areas:

8 Introduction to the programme
Name of the programme

9 Programme overview What is the programme? Objective: Locations: When:

10 Programme overview (2) Who? What? How?

11 Financial process (example)
Information on the role of the service provider in terms of the transaction process

12 Cash transfer modality (example)
Insert valid photos

13 Roles and responsibilities of provider
Customers with proper IDs will be received at all provider locations. Before disbursing the cash grant, ensure recipient presents: 1) valid ID 2) valid XXX that includes the transaction ID Number.

14 Valid forms of ID Insert photos of valid IDs

15 Roles and responsibilities of provider (2)
Ensure there is adequate security at provider locations Ensure that there are the same security standards and verification standards at all branches (if one branch is more relaxed in security and verifications, then word gets around and more people tend to flock to that branch)

16 Important points Expiry date
Do not utilize personal information of beneficiaries (name, telephone number) for any other business, this information is strictly confidential. The beneficiary should not pay any charge to the provider.

17 Special cases (examples)
If the beneficiary does not have official ID: If there is an error on the XXX (beneficiary name or ID number) In case of problems, contact persons are:

18 XXX Red Cross / Red Crescent Roles and Responsibilities
Provide beneficiary information to provider and plan the distribution process Monitor provider agencies: Observe encashment process and security concerns Collect beneficiary perspectives If necessary, provide feedback on the encashment process to senior provider management

19 What not to do… Do not be careless in verifying beneficiary identification information Do not forget to inform the Red Cross Red Crescent of difficulties at branches – technical or other Do not be rude to beneficiaries

20 Questions? Questions ? Comments? Suggestions?
During the programme, for all questions on the programme, eligibility of beneficiaries etc.: refer to contact persons

21 Thank you for coming today!

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