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Lift high the name of Jesus ~ Revelation 1:9-18

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2 Lift high the name of Jesus ~ Revelation 1:9-18

3 Lift high the name of Jesus
Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in his wonderful face; And the things of earth will grow strangely dim - In the light of his glory and grace.

4 Lift high the name of Jesus
John receives the vision spoiled for life on earth banished to Patmos not what he deserved, but it’s what he got God can turn the worst of times into the best of times John saw Jesus!

5 Lift high the name of Jesus
‘… among the lampstands was someone “like a son of man” …’ (13a) Jesus - the God who is man he saw the risen Christ with undiminished humanity

6 Lift high the name of Jesus
‘… dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash round his chest …’ (13b) Jesus - the God who serves he saw the reigning Christ with unrivalled majesty

7 Lift high the name of Jesus
‘… his head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow …’ (14a) Jesus - the God who is all-wise he saw the righteous Christ with unimpeachable character

8 Lift high the name of Jesus
‘… his eyes were like blazing fire …’ (14b) Jesus - the God who sees all things he saw the revealing Christ with unhindered scrutiny

9 Lift high the name of Jesus
‘… his feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace …’ (15a) Jesus - the God who judges he saw the relentless Christ with untarnished integrity

10 Lift high the name of Jesus
‘… his voice was like the sound of rushing waters …’ (15b) Jesus - the God who reigns he saw the regal Christ with unchallenged authority

11 Lift high the name of Jesus
‘… in his right hand he held seven stars …’ (16a) Jesus - the God who controls he saw Christ, the one with unequalled power

12 Lift high the name of Jesus
‘… out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword …’ (16b) Jesus - the God who communicates he saw Christ, the one who is infinitely resourceful

13 Lift high the name of Jesus
‘… his face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance …’ (16c) Jesus - the God who is awesome he saw the resplendent Christ with undimmed glory

14 Lift high the name of Jesus
John melted in the Lord’s presence (17a) Jesus touched him and reassured him (17b) Jesus introduced himself as the ‘I am’

15 Lift high the name of Jesus
Jesus is the all-sufficient one Jesus is the all-victorious one Jesus is the all-powerful one ‘God holds the key of all unknown and I am glad …’

16 Lift high the name of Jesus
take home message … For this, I have Jesus!

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