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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Energy Heat Electrical Sound Light $100 $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Energy Heat Electrical Sound Light $100 $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Energy Heat Electrical Sound Light $100 $100
$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 1 - $100 Energy in motion, is what kind of energy? Kinetic Energy

3 1 - $200 Give an example of Kinetic energy
Anything that is moving- swinging a baseball bat, running, car driving, etc.

4 1 - $300 Stored energy is ___________ energy. Potential

5 1 - $400 Give an example of potential energy.
Anything that is not moving but could be, or anything that has energy but is not using it. For example, a runner waiting for the start or a battery

6 1 - $500 Energy can not be created nor distroyed but it can be ______________ from place to place by light, heat, sound and electric current. tranferred

7 Heat - $100 A measure of how hot or cold something is. Temperature

8 Heat - $200 A source of heat when objects rapidly rub against each other. Friction

9 Heat - $300 A major source of heat for the Earth is _____. The sun

10 Heat - $400 Words like thermal, thermometer and thermos all have to do with this. Heat

11 Heat - $500 The amount of energy an object has because of its moving molecules is it ____________. Heat

12 Electrical - $100 A conductor is a material that transmits energy. Name a material that is a conductor. Copper, gold, silver, water, most metals,

13 Electrical - $200 An insulator is a material that does not transmit energy. Give an example. Rubber, plastic, styrofoam

14 Electrical - $300 A closed path that electricity can flow through.

15 Electrical - $400 Electrical energy is used to turn on a light. 10 percent goes toward making the light, what does the other 90 percent go toward? Making heat

16 Electrical - $500 A device that stores electrical energy. battery

17 Sound - $100 Sound is really a ____________. vibration

18 Sound - $200 A sound can travel through ___________.
String, air, water, any medium (stuff), not empty space

19 Sound - $300 A sound travels as a _____________, kind of like a ripple in a pond. wave

20 Sound - $400 Can sound travel through outer space? Why?
No, there is nothing for the vibrations to travel through.

21 Sound - $500 What is the device that removes all air from a container, allowing scientists to study what its like in outer space. Vacuum pump

22 Light - $100 An opaque object will soak up the sun’s light which means it will __________ the light. absorb

23 Light - $200 What color will absorb more light and get warmer? Black

24 Light - $300 When light bounces off and travels in a new direction.

25 Light - $400 When a straw looks broken in a glass of water, this is because the light __________. refracting

26 Light - $500 When visible light is __________, it is bent into a rainbow. refracted

27 Final Jeopardy This device shows sound waves like a graph, in a sideways view. What is this device? oscilloscope

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