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Tay Sach’s disease Kyle S.

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1 Tay Sach’s disease Kyle S

2 What are the Symptoms of the Disorder
*A baby born with out one of these Hexsaminidase, a deficient enzyme, causes the babies to get fatter, lose their sight, hearing, and also their movement, and mental development. Retina of a person with Tay sach’s disease

3 How does it occur. *Fat substance called Hexosaminidase, also called Hex A, accumulates in the brain and the nerve cells and causes Tay sach’s disease.

4 How common is it Tay sach’s disease is common among certain ethnic groups such as Jews and French – Canadian people. 1 in 27 Jewish people are carriers. In other ethnic groups 1 in 250 people are carriers. It is equal to both girls and guys with this disease.

5 What kind of Treatment There is no treatment for Tay-Sachs disease. Anticonvulsant medicine can control seizures. Other treatments include proper nutrition and liquids and techniques to keep the airway open. Children may eventually need a feeding tube.

6 Other Facts *About 16 cases of Tay Sachs are diagnosed in the Untied States. *Tay sachs can be harmful to infants and the age can be around 3 to 6 months old. Most children with Tay-Sachs disease usually die before reaching age 5.

7 How Tay sach’s affect birth
A baby with Tay-Sachs disease appears normal at birth and seems to develop normally until about six months of age.

8 Is it dominant or Recessive
Tay Sachs is a autosomal Recessive genetic disorder in children that causes progressive destruction of the central nervous system.

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