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Outside where.

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Presentation on theme: "Outside where."— Presentation transcript:

1 outside where

2 downstairs where

3 soon when

4 never when

5 everywhere where

6 now when

7 down where

8 later when

9 up where

10 upstairs where

11 yesterday when

12 inside where

13 always when

14 nearby where

15 then when

16 here where

17 there where

18 around where

19  I looked everywhere for my coat.
 Mary walked around the building.  Soon it will be time to go home.

20  We must leave here.  The men went upstairs to get the boxes.  I have never moved from my home.

21  Now we can go to P.E.  My coat is someplace in the classroom.  Yesterday it snowed three inches.

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