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Welcome to Evergreen’s Kindergarten Family Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Evergreen’s Kindergarten Family Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Evergreen’s Kindergarten Family Night!
Welcome to Evergreen’s Kindergarten Family Fun Night! Monday, May 4, 2015 Welcome to Evergreen’s Kindergarten Family Night!

2 Meet the Staff Mr. Michael Matteo-principal
Mrs. Amanda Galloway-kindergarten teacher Ms. Carla Moio-kindergarten teacher

3 A Day in the Life of a Kindergartener

4 When they get off the bus…
Hang up their backpacks and coats Sign up for breakfast and lunch. Eat breakfast (any independence for opening containers will help us out). Begin morning work (usually a review of what we are working on). Morning Meeting (pledge, calendar, schedule, story)

5 Super Kids Language Arts Curriculum
12 Kids that they meet in kindergarten that go on adventures the second half of kindergarten and through second grade. Teaches students to Recognize and write capital and lowercase letters Phonemic Awareness Letter sounds Sounding out words (CVC and more) Syllables Beginning and ending sounds in words Sound (Inventive) Spelling Writing Handwriting Sentence basics (capital letters and punctuation marks)

6 Lunch, Recess, Rest Time and Specials
30 minute lunch 15 minute recess 30 minute rest time (ability to work one on one while rest of class is working independently) 50 minute specials (art, music, library, health and phys. ed) 30 minute computer time once a week 30-45 STEAM activity once a week

7 Math Envision Math Number sense Number writing
Addition and subtraction 2D and 3D shapes Measurement

8 Centers and Social Sciences
20 minutes daily Alternates throughout the week Centers reinforce concepts being taught Social Sciences focus on holidays, weather, living and nonliving things

9 Readiness Skills Cognitive Readiness Emotional Readiness
Recognizes name, follows directions, enjoys stories, recognizes some upper and lower case letters. Emotional Readiness Demonstrates self-control, is able to wait for help, excited about school and ready to learn. Physical Readiness Independently takes care of personal, can use scissors, glue, etc. prints name legibly. Social Readiness Respects personal space, follows rules, willing to cooperate, tries to solve problems on own and can separate easily from caregiver.

10 What Can I Do To Help My Child?
Practice these skills to make your child's transition to kindergarten a successful one! Self Help Skills -Button buttons, zip zippers, tie shoes -Open food containers -Wash hands Use scissors, pencils, crayons, glue stick Recognize and write name Recognize and write some capital letters Sit and listen to a short story Count to 20 Recognize numbers to 10 Basic colors and shapes Play games with them Have them complete simple chores at home

11 Fun Websites for Kids Mrs. Galloway for username and password.

12 Important Dates to Remember…
Tuesday, May 8-Assessment Day-If you do not have a time please contact office. Thursday, August 23-Kindergarten Orientation Friday, August 24-First Day of Kindergarten

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