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Elementary Number Theory & Proofs

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1 Elementary Number Theory & Proofs

2 This is true and can be shown by solving the inequality 2x > 10
There are several methods of mathematical proof but all depend on a series of logical steps. All proofs start with an implication or proposition and so it is necessary to establish whether the implication is true or false. This is true and can be shown by solving the inequality 2x > 10 This is false and can be shown by solving the equation x2 = 25 Implication statements are often called “if…then..” statements but the notation for this is to use the implication symbol “”.

3 The converse of an implication
If “statement p statement q”, then the converse will be “statement q  statement p” To prove an implication false it is often only necessary to give a single counter example.

4 Two way implications - Equivalence
or We use the notation

5 Existential Statement
An existential Statement, x , refers to at least one member of a set. An existential statement is proved by one corroborative example. Statements can be combined to form compound statements. If A then B is an implication A  B If ~A then ~B is its inverse ~A ~B If B then A is its converse B  A If ~B then ~A is its contrapositive ~B  ~A If both the implication and its converse is true, then the statements are said to be equivalent. A  B

6 If the implication is true then the contrapositive is true.
BUT the inverse and converse need not be true.

7 If the shape is a square then it has four sides.
Inverse: If the shape is not a square then it does not have four sides Converse: If it has four sides then the shape is a square Contrapositive: If it does not have four sides then the shape is not a square If the implication is true then the contrapositive is true. BUT the inverse and converse need not be true.

8 Page 3 Exercise 1A TJ Exercise 1, 2 and 3

9 Proof by Contradiction
Reductio ad absurdum Reduce to an absurdity. Direct Proof. This method is one that we have used at various points in the course. The equation of a straight line, Pythagoras theorem etc. To prove an implication p  q is sometimes difficult if not impossible to prove directly. In this case, we prove by contradiction (or by contrapositive) The contrapositive (negation) of p  q is ~q  ~p. (not q implies not p) When ~q  ~p is true so is p  q.

10 Whatever statement we wish to prove, we assume its negation to be true.
By a series of steps (valid implications) we arrive at a contradiction. Since the steps are valid, it can only be the assumption that is false. If the negation is false, the original statement must be true.


12 Example: Prove that the set of primes is infinite.
This is impossible to prove directly. Suppose that the set of primes is finite having n numbers. P1, p2, p3, ……pn. Hence a number exists that is the product of all primes. N = P1 p2  p3 ……  pn Now consider the number after N N + 1 If we attempt to divide (N + 1) by any of the know primes P1 to pn there will always be a remainder 1. Hence (N + 1) is not divisible by any prime number greater than 1 apart from (N + 1) so must be prime and is greater than the largest prime number pn meaning our supposition is false. Hence the set of primes is infinite.


14 Page 14 Exercise 3A Questions 1, 2, 3, 6, 11 and 12
TJ exercise 4

15 Proof by Induction Proof by induction is a method of proof in which we establish the truth of the implication for some starting value and then prove it for the succeeding values. This method is used in proving summation examples, the Binomial Theorem and de Moivre’s Theorem. i.e. prove the statement true for 1 Then assume true for some value k Then prove true for k + 1 If the statement is true for 1 and if true for k is also true for k + 1 then the statement must be true for all values in N.

16 Part A: Prove true for n = 1.
Hence the statement is true for n = 1. Part B: Assume true for n = k where k  1 Let us consider n = k + 1 GOAL


18 Hence, if true for n = k, then true for n = k + 1
The statement is true for n = 1, and if true for n = k implies true for n = (k + 1), then by induction it is true for all values of n  1.

19 Part A: Prove true for n = 1.
Part B: Assume true for n = k where k  1 The statement is true for n = 1, and since if true for n = k implies true for n = (k + 1), then by induction it is true for all values of n  1.

20 Part A: Prove true for n = 1.
Part B: Assume true for n = k where k  1 Since k  1 The statement is true for n = 1, and since if true for n = k implies true for n = (k + 1), then by induction it is true for all values of n  1.

21 Part A: Prove true for n = 1.
Hence the statement is true for n = 1. Part B: Assume true for n = k where k  1

22 Now show that it is true for n = k + 1
(factorise) The statement is true for n = 1, and since if true for n = k implies true for n = (k + 1), then by induction it is true for all values of n  1.

23 Page 20 Exercise 4 Questions 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13
TJ Exercise 5

24 Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic states that any integer n > 1 can be expressed uniquely as a product of prime numbers apart from the order of primes.

25 TJ Exercise 6

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