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Technology Enhanced Education

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1 Technology Enhanced Education
Lisa-Dai Keen Venker ISTC 651

2 Question… Can education be enhanced with technology?
How do you include technology in education? What differences does it make? How does problem base learning enhance learning? How do you make time for problem based learning in a lesson?

3 The Search Used TSU Cook Library EBSCO Databases
Took a long time to find the right study. Found articles from other countries none from US

4 Paper Found ED485022 Implementation of technology-enhanced problem-based learning curriculum: A year-long study of three teachers Authors Sung Hee Park Peggy Ertmer Jeff Cramer

5 Introduction -Facilitate student-centered learning environment
-Shift from teacher to learner -Invite learner to take active role in learning -Use PBL-Problem Based Learning Introduction

6 CBL-calculator based interface
Technology includes… Internet Computer CBL-calculator based interface Scientific Equipment

7 What is PBL? Students take an ill-structured problem situation
that is complex Students required to develop expertise in information Seeking and making decisions to solve problems

8 Specific tasks in a problem-based learning environment include:
determining whether a problem exists; creating an exact statement of the problem; identifying information needed to understand the problem; identifying resources to be used to gather information; generating possible solutions; analyzing the solutions; and presenting the solution, orally and/or in writing.

9 PBL----Students Students must… Understand Define Solve the problem

10 PBL---Students Develop their own approaches Set their own goals
Students must Develop their own approaches Set their own goals Then they Inquire Investigate Plan their activities

11 PBL-Teacher Teacher is a guide Teacher is a coach
Howard Barrows:

12 Technology in School Current increase in computer usage in schools
99% of schools have computers 95% have internet connectivity 70% teachers still don’t feel comfortable using computers Currently more professional development created for technology Those who receive instruction felt more prepared

13 PBL’s in Schools Effective way to integrate technology
“experiential learning, organized around the investigation and resolution of messy, real-world problems” Sage (2000)

14 PBL & Technology is critical for…
Information seeking Modeling task Content decision making Presenting solutions during PBL activities Technology integration with PBL can be meaningful learning experience for both teachers and students.

15 So why study this? What are perceptions of pedagogical beliefs of technology-based PBL? What kinds of barriers and support do teachers encourage while implementing technology-based PBL? What strategies are perceived as being most in developing teachers’ ability to implement technology enhanced PBL?

16 My Background Used PBL models in classroom.
Used Jamie Mc Kenzie’s Slam Dunk… webquest/PBL “like” model. Have developed my own Webquest for unit on Chesapeake Bay. Have taken classes on technology integrations. Place technology in wherever I can. I feel very comfortable with technology.

17 MSDE Curriculum Alignment
Recognize and compare how different parts of the world have varying amounts and types of natural resources and how the use of those resources impacts environmental quality. Identify and describe problems associated with obtaining, using, and distributing natural resources. Identify possible solutions to problems associated with obtaining, using, and distributing natural resources.

18 National Science Standards
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives, Content Standard F Students should develop understanding of: Populations, Resources, and Environments When an area becomes overpopulated, the environment will become degraded due to the increased use of resources. Causes of environmental degradation and resource depletion vary from region to region and from country to country.

19 National Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning
The student who is information literate: -Accesses information efficiently and effectively. -Evaluates information critically and competently. -Uses information accurately and creatively. The student who is an independent learner is information literate and strives for excellence in information seeking and knowledge generation. The student who contributes positively to the learning community and to society is information literate and: -Practices ethical behavior in regard to information and information technology. -Participates effectively in groups to pursue and generate information.

20 National Technology Education Standards for Students
Students are proficient in the use of technology. Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. Students use technology tools to process data and report results.

21 Alignment BCPS Curriculum
Standard 6.0 Environmental Science: Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the interactions of environmental factors (living and non-living) and analyze their impact from a local to a global perspective

22 6.0 1. Recognize and explain how human activities can accelerate or magnify many naturally occurring changes. a. Based on data from research identify and describe how natural processes change the environment. Cyclic climate change Sedimentation in watersheds Population cycles Extinction b. Identify and describe how human activities produce changes in natural processes: Climate change Loss of habitat Introduction of nonnative species Cycling of matter

23 Research Scenario from BCPS Curriculum
Residents along the Chesapeake Bay have witnessed some profound changes in the quality of their environment over the years: the water is not as clear as it once was, fish and shellfish populations are dwindling, and algae blooms occur more frequently. Concerned local residents have joined together to form the Coastal Residents' Alliance, a community organization whose goal is to restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay and its natural resources. This group needs expert help to fully understand the environmental issues affecting the Bay, so that they can design a community action plan to address those issues. With these goals in mind, the Alliance has hired your environmental research team, Bay-Watchers, Inc., to investigate the impact of human activities on the Chesapeake Bay.

24 FOCUS How does our use of natural resources impact the quality of the environment?

25 Link to Technology Based Research

26 Implementing Propose change in curriculum
Inform department chair of changes Present plan Divide teachers = ½ original curriculum, ½ with PBL based learning

27 Implementations Conduct survey of students knowledge of technology
Conduct survey of teachers knowledge of technology Rate students understanding of curriculum unit topics Conduct lessons (curriculum/PBL) Rate students understanding of curriculum unit topics post lessons

28 Prospective Outcome Increase in administrative support
Increase in comfort/confidence with technology by students and teachers Increased active participation of students in their learning

29 Prospective Outcomes Increase use of technology
by teachers during other curriculum lessons Increase in knowledge learned through PBL based lessons

30 What to do next ? ? ? Lots to do…
Refocus and analysis study plans to make sure this is what I should and how I should complete my study. Set plan into action Develop survey sheets Find subjects Implement lessons Lots to do…

31 Bibliography Park, Sung Hee, Ertmer, Peggy, & Cramer, Jeff (2008). Implementation of a technology-enhanced problem-based learning curriculum: A year-long study of three teachers. Association for Educational Communications and Technology

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