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Sermon On The Mount John’s preaching was bold, Mt. 3:10

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2 Sermon On The Mount John’s preaching was bold, Mt. 3:10
John laid the ax to the root Jesus pulled up branch & root

3 Sermon On The Mount Jesus addressed lust, divorce, adultery
Divine law governs, not man’s No one is exempt Submit & find happiness Refuse & face consequences

4 Sermon On The Mount Judged for Thoughts Proper Course of Action
Jesus’ Law

5 Sermon On The Mount Judged for Thoughts OT: act of adultery judged
“You shall not commit adultery,” Ex. 20:14 Punishable by death, Lev. 20:10-21

6 Sermon On The Mount Judged for Thoughts Jesus gave His New Law
Judgment for thought & intent Lust is the real problem

7 Sermon On The Mount Judged for Thoughts Jesus gave His New Law
Numerous warnings, Rom. 1:24-26; Gal. 5:19 Uncleanness: profligate living Lewdness: Unbridled lusts… outrageousness, shamelessness, ‘wanton (acts or) manners, as filthy words, indecent bodily movements, unchaste handling of males & females…

8 Sermon On The Mount Judged for Thoughts Jesus gave His New Law
Numerous warnings, Rom. 1:24-26; Gal. 5:19 Pornography Dancing Mixed swimming Immodest clothing Cheerleading, wrestling Petting

9 RUN!!! Sermon On The Mount Proper Course of Action
Get rid of that which causes you to fall Right eye or Right hand, Heb. 12:1, 2 Kill sin in our lives, Col. 3:5 One way to deal with sexual temptations… RUN!!! Gen. 39:11-13 1 Cor. 6:18

10 Sermon On The Mount Proper Course of Action
Soul in jeopardy when filled with lust Lose part of “body” Gain soul Why keep part of “body,”… …but lose resurrection body in hell?

11 Sermon On The Mount Jesus’ Law Divorce & remarriage in OT
Certificate of divorce, Deut. 24:1-4 Not adultery, Lev. 20 Not premarital sex, Deut. 22:13-21

12 Sermon On The Mount Jesus’ Law Divorce & remarriage in OT
Husband allowed to divorce Under very strict circumstances Not allowed to have her back

13 Sermon On The Mount Jesus’ Law Jesus’ law is higher
Whoever: Christian & non-Christian Divorces except for sexual immorality Marries another – commits adultery Causes spouse to commit adultery One who marries her commits adultery

14 Sermon On The Mount Jesus’ Law Jesus’ law is higher
Too many ignore this divine law Separate because they lost that “feeling” Divorce over money Break up marriage for career

15 Sermon On The Mount John’s preaching was bold, Mt. 3:10
John laid the ax to the root Jesus pulled up branch & root

16 Sermon On The Mount Jesus addressed lust, divorce, adultery
Divine law governs, not man’s No one is exempt Submit & find happiness Refuse & face consequences

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