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The Blessings of Being a Christian

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2 The Blessings of Being a Christian
First John

3 1. Fellowship With God and Other Christians
1 John 1:3-7 Fellowship means “partnership, sharing, joint participation.” Sin separates us from God, makes us enemies of God (Is. 59:1-2). We are reconciled to God through Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:8-11).

4 2. Forgiveness of Sins 1 John 1:7-2:2 “If” we walk in the light (v. 7)
“If” we confess our sins (v. 9) Repentance and prayer are also necessary (Acts 8:22)

5 2. Forgiveness of Sins Jesus is our…
“Advocate” - He pleads our case for forgiveness before the Father “Propitiation” - He is the sacrifice for our sins that appeases or satisfies the requirements of God’s law

6 3. Eternal Life 1 John 2:25 Job asked “If a man dies, shall he live again?” (Job 14:14) Jesus is the answer to this question: “Everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:40)

7 3. Eternal Life 1 John 5:11-13 Either we have Christ or we don’t.
If we do not have Christ (are not a Christian) we do not have eternal life.

8 4. Privileges of Being a Child of God
1 John 3:1-3 An inheritance (v. 2; Rom. 8:16-17) Love from brethren (3:10-11, 16-18) Answers to prayers (3:22-23; 5:14-15) Boldness before God (4:17-19)

9 5. We Overcome the World 1 John 5:4-5
The world lies under the sway of the wicked one (1 John 5:19) Exerts a great influence upon us to love it and want to be a part of it (2:15-17) “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (4:4)

10 The Blessings of Being a Christian
Fellowship with God and other Christians Forgiveness of sins Eternal life Privileges of being a child of God We overcome the world

11 Are you a Christian? Believe Jesus is the Son of God - John 8:24
Repent of your sins - Luke 13:3 Confess your faith in Christ - Rom. 10:9-10 Baptized in water for the remission of your sins - Acts 2:38


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