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CASL Meetings Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning

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1 CASL Meetings Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning

2 Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning (CASL)
Focuses on teaching and student learning A professional learning process that assists educators to develop a culture of collaborative inquiry and acquire a deeper understanding of the link between pedagogy and students’ learning Can be kept manageable by focusing on a few students Forms part of a case management approach Takes professional learning from a whole school level to an individual teacher’s ‘point-of-need’.

3 Description Explicit focus on teachers’ instructional concerns
20 minutes; follows the template; timetabled Principal; instructional leader; teachers with specialised expertise; classroom teacher Student work samples are collaboratively analysed according to the template The team recommends instructional strategies which are then implemented by the teacher At the follow up meeting, the classroom teacher tables more recent student work; discussion of success/failure of recommendations Follow-up meetings continue until the targeted improvement in the student’s learning is demonstrated


5 “The focus is instruction.”
“The case management meeting is a forum for the discussion of student work as data, in a case-by-case approach, for those students who are plummeting, staying still, or presenting as instructional challenges for their teachers. The focus is instruction.” Lyn Sharratt, Putting Faces on the Data 2012 p.120

6 “Necessary for some…” “ Teachers win with every meeting- even if strategies may not work as intended for the target student, the teacher’s repertoire of strategies has grown, and very often the instructional strategies tried become good for the whole class: necessary for some, good for all!” Lyn Sharratt, Putting Faces on the Data 2012 p.121

7 No. 5: an expert teaching team
The school has found ways to build a school-wide, professional team of highly able teachers, including teachers who take an active leadership role beyond the classroom. Strong procedures are in place to encourage a school-wide, shared responsibility for student learning and success, and to encourage the development of a culture of continuous professional improvement that includes classroom-based learning, mentoring and coaching arrangements. National School Improvement Tool

8 Teacher inquiry and knowledge-building cycle
to promote valued student outcomes What knowledge and skills do our students need? What knowledge and skills do we as teachers need? What has been the impact of our changed actions? Virginia Relate to 3 findings of “How people learn” and adaptive expertise Emphasise worthwhile content in deepening PK and refining skills Deepen professional knowledge and refine skills Engage students in new learning experiences




12 Let’s see how it works…

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