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Trust Performance 2017/18 YTD.

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Presentation on theme: "Trust Performance 2017/18 YTD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trust Performance 2017/18 YTD

2 A&E Performance Consistently achieved the 95% operational standard and STF trajectory in 2017/18

3 A&E Attendances There has been a 2% reduction for adult attendances compared to the equivalent period last year, whereas paediatrics is down by 11%

4 Ambulance Handovers There has been a 12% increase in minute handover delays compared to the equivalent period last year, whereas >60 minute delays are down by 58%

5 Cancer 2WW Performance Consistently achieved the 96% operational standard and better than national average

6 Cancer 2WW Performance There has been a 2% reduction overall compared to the equivalent period last year

7 Cancer 62 Day Performance
Consistently achieved the 85% operational standard and STF trajectory in 2017/18 and better than national average Treatment volumes are relatively small average of ≤23 per month, average 16 per month

8 RTT & Diagnostic Performance
Diagnostics performance is generally 0% i.e. no 6 week breaches Both indicators consistently achieve the respective operational standards and are much better than the equivalent national averages We are maintaining a strong performance against both indicators, where the national performance is getting gradually worse

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