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absorb(verb) to take in or soak up

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Presentation on theme: "absorb(verb) to take in or soak up"— Presentation transcript:

1 absorb(verb) to take in or soak up

2 anchor(noun) a heavy weight on a rope or chain that is dropped from a boat to keep it from moving

3 brush (verb) to clean, paint, or smooth something by using a brush
Brush up against something brush (verb) to clean, paint, or smooth something by using a brush

4 bud (noun) a small swelling on a plant that will grow into a twig, flower, or leaf

5 center (noun) the exact middle of something

6 core (noun) the hard middle parts of fruits such as apples or pears that hold seeds

7 factory (noun) a building or group of buildings where things are made

8 hive (noun) a place where bees live

9 sapling (noun) a young tree

10 the tall main stem of a tree
trunk (noun) the tall main stem of a tree

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