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Bee-havior Expectations Character Traits & Motivation

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1 Bee-havior Expectations Character Traits & Motivation
Elementary 2nd Grade Ms. Holliday

2 Expectations … Bee A Good Listener & Follow Directions
Bee Respectful ...  Listen to others Raise your hand to speak Use kind words Keep your hands and feet to yourself  Bee Responsible … Take care of all materials Complete all work neatly and quietly Keep your area clean  Bee Safe ...  Ask Teacher’s permission to leave the room Walk, don't run Use materials carefully

3 Rewards & Consequences
Green = Excellent Behavior = student Recognition, Small reward Yellow = Warning = Not following expectations = no recess Red = Extreme behavior = Defiant, Temper Tantrum, out of control = Office Referral, Parent call/ conference Please note … Behavior will be documented in our campus review 360 System on student’s school record; along with notification from grade level assistant principal

4 Grading Grades are based on … Class participation (effort)
Completion of assignments (classwork/ homework) projects, exams Remember … *Homework helps reinforce skills taught in class *Make up work must be completed by the end of the week; no expectations 100% - 90% = a 89% - 80% = b 79% - 70% = c 69% - Below = F

BE A LEADER … NOT A FOLLOWER BE HONEST … TELL THE TRUTH AT ALL TIMES Be Polite … Say Please, May I, Thank You, Excuse Me, Yes, No Be Ready To Learn Everyday Be Good Thinkers… Be Smart Be The Best You Can Be

6 Have a Great School Year in 2nd ‘s Hive
Quiz Time … If you get a Red Face, what does that mean? ___________________ We should always get a ________ Face for Excellent Behavior! From Each Expectation, what is one thing we should do Bee Respectful_____________________________________________________ Bee Responsible____________________________________________________ Bee Safe_____________________________________________________________ 4. In order to get good grades in our class, we must complete C_________________ and H________________ . 5. Bee Respectful, Bee Responsible, and Bee Safe are our classroom B_____________ E_______________ 6. Write three Character Traits ________________________________ Have a Great School Year in 2nd ‘s Hive

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