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Create Your Own Ad!.

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1 Create Your Own Ad!

2 Part 1: Your job is to create a new product (It can be whatever you like as long as it school appropriate)

3 Part 2: You must design a magazine or newspaper ad for your product
Part 2: You must design a magazine or newspaper ad for your product. Keep in mind your “Target Audience” (Who are you selling to?) and use the appropriate language, colors, and imagery.

4 Your Product Must: * Have a unique name & look (You can’t use a product that already exists) * Use at least two advertising techniques. * Be persuasive- your job is to convince someone to buy this product. * Be eye-catching and colorful. * Have correct spelling and grammar.

5 Part 3- Written Explanation. Why did you invent the product
Part 3- Written Explanation *Why did you invent the product? * What two advertising techniques did you use? * Why did you choose the advertising techniques? * What magazine or newspaper would you put the ad in and why? *Who is your target audience? *Why would your ad appeal to your target audience?








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