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Gave away self to get love.

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1 Gave away self to get love.
Photo Essay of Louise Trunnion In “Nobody Knows”

2 Thesis Louise Trunnion in “Nobody Knows” is grotesque because she believed the beautiful truth that if she gave herself fully to someone that person would love her fully in return, only to have that truth become a falsehood because instead of being loved, she became used and abandoned. Now she believes she is not worthy of any other kind of love.

3 Gives Freely “The young newspaper reporter had received a letter from Louise Trunnion that morning The letter was brief, ‘I’m yours if you want me,’ it said” (p ). Louise offered herself freely to George in order to get his attention and physical affection, even if it was temporary.

4 Feels Unworthy “She began to quibble. ‘You think you’re better than I am. Don’t tell me, I guess I know” (p. 42). Louise knows that her “lovers” don’t think highly of her and that they are only there selfishly, but she also doesn’t consider herself worthy to ask or expect any more from them than the few hours of physical closeness she receives from their selfish pleasure.

5 Labeled by the town “The whispered tales concerning her that had gone about town gave him confidence In his heart there was no sympathy for her” (p. 43). Louise had a reputation for giving herself away without expecting anything in return; she was treated cruelly by society and she accepted that she deserved nothing else.

6 No self pride “When Louise Trunnion came out of the front door of her house she still wore the gingham dress in which she had been washing dishes. There was no hat on her head there was a black smudge on the side of her nose” (p. 42). Louise didn’t even bother to try to make herself look lovely (worthy of love); she took no pride in her appearance because she had no pride in herself anymore.

7 No expectations of a future
“She hasn’t got anything on me. Nobody knows….” (p. 44). Louise clearly doesn’t expect any return for any pleasure she gives to a man except the temporary closeness and affection he provides her because it is the only kind of love she knows.

8 Rationale Louise Trunnion is a pathetic, grotesque character in “Nobody Knows” because she has believed that love is obtained by giving physical pleasure and can only be enjoyed temporarily. Society has turned her beautiful truth about love into a falsehood and left her cruelly abandoned and labelled, resulting in a continual life of low self-worth and no hope for a better kind of love.

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