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(Document Based Question)

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1 (Document Based Question)
Preparing for any DBQ (Document Based Question)

2 DBQ essay basic format Intro paragraph with Thesis
Historical Context paragraph, aka Background 1st group of Documents, with Evidence from documents and outside knowledge, and 2 V or L 2nd group of Documents, contradicting the 1st, with Evidence from documents and outside knowledge, and 2 V or L Conclusion with Thesis restated

3 Intro Paragraph What do I include in my introduction? Time frame
Place(s) Categories related to type of essay (C/C, C&E, CCOT – maybe +/- as categories) All of the above goes in the 1st sentence

4 Thesis writing Remember: your Thesis must: Have degree or direction
Degree = rank in order of importance; which category was most or least? Direction = While the country experienced ____ in this category, it experienced ___ in those categories.

5 Thesis writing Thesis must be arguable
If no one can argue against you, you don't have a thesis!! NOT a thesis: “There are many causes and effects of a war.” NOT a thesis: “The country experienced political, economic and social effects.”

6 Historical Context Paragraph that gives background on topic of essay
What was going on in the world at that time? Good choices: Age of…; Words that end in -ism Think of topics on our posters: Units I-II: Rs Unit III: M&Ms Unit IV: Es Unit V: 3 Is Unit VI: Ds and Cs

7 1st Paragraph of Documents
Should be 3-4 Documents Each Document gets its own sentence; say how it proves some part of Thesis correct Don’t use lengthy quotes Don’t rephrase what the document says – how does it prove the Thesis? Add in 1-2 pieces of your own knowledge that are NOT present in any document Address 2 sources in terms of V or L for Point of View

8 2nd Paragraph of Documents
Should be 3-4 Documents that contradict the other paragraph of documents! Each Document gets its own sentence; say how it proves some part of Thesis correct Don’t use lengthy quotes Don’t rephrase what the document says – how does it prove the Thesis? Add in 1-2 pieces of your own knowledge that are NOT present in any document Address 2 sources in terms of V or L for Point of View

9 What do I do if I’m running out of time?
Conclusion with Thesis restated = your last paragraph What do I do if I’m running out of time? Make sure you have a clear and arguable Thesis, no matter what!! If you can’t easily come up with Historical Context, just go straight to the Documents. Focus on the 2 body paragraphs with Documents: analysis of each document, outside knowledge and V or L. Try not to leave out the Conclusion unless you are pushed for time: this is the only other place where you can earn the Thesis point!

10 How do I manage my time on AP Exam Day?
You will get to see all the Essays at one time You will have 15 minutes to plan both the DBQ and the LEQ – approx. 10 for the DBQ and 5 for the LEQ You can start an essay before the 15 minutes is up; DON’T. Just don’t. You get 50 minutes to write the DBQ and 35 minutes for the LEQ You can go over 50 minutes on the DBQ, but you’ll have to remember you have less time for the LEQ You should spend more time on the DBQ than the LEQ: the DBQ counts 25% of your score; the LEQ counts 15% of your score

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