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Type the Title of Your Project Here

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Presentation on theme: "Type the Title of Your Project Here"— Presentation transcript:

1 Type the Title of Your Project Here
By: Type Your Name Here Teacher: Type Your Teacher’s Name Here Grade: Type Your Grade Here

2 PROBLEM Type your Problem (question) from the “Narrow It Down” Page Here

3 HYPOTHESIS Type Your Hypothesis Here (If I…, then…)

4 MATERIALS Type Your Materials Here

5 PROCEDURE Type Your Procedures Here

6 DATA Nothing to Type: For this section, you will glue your data table, chart, graph, observations, or pictures onto your poster board.

7 RESULTS Type Your Results Here (a paragraph with correct punctuation)

8 CONCLUSION Type Your Conclusion Here (answer the 5 questions from the last page of the science journal) In conclusion, …

9 APPLICATION Type Your Real World Application Here (as a paragraph with correct punctuation)

10 BIBLIOGRAPHY Source 1: Type Title This is from: (Type book, website, magazine, video, or interview) Author: Publisher: Pages: Source 2: Type Title This is from: (Type book, website, magazine, video, or interview) Author: Publisher: Pages: Source 3: Type Title This is from: (Type book, website, magazine, video, or interview) Author: Publisher: Pages:

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