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Minds-On Look through the Glossary of Literary Terms.

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Presentation on theme: "Minds-On Look through the Glossary of Literary Terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minds-On Look through the Glossary of Literary Terms.
Put a check mark beside the literary terms that we have already discussed in class so far. Are there any terms that we have discussed in class that you’re still having difficulty understanding? Irony; Plot; Symbol Theme; Conflict

2 Minds-On Before we move onto the short story.
I want you to make sure that you understand the idea of irony. – Identify which irony is apparent in The Last Spin.

3 Where’s the climax? Irony; Plot; Symbol Theme; Conflict
To know what irony, plot, theme and conflict are. To understand how irony, plot, theme and conflict are developed in the short story Just Lather, That’s All. To be able to explain and analyze the irony, plot, theme and conflict by supporting your ideas with examples from the short story Just Lather, That’s All. Irony; Plot; Symbol Theme; Conflict

4 To know what irony, plot, theme and conflict are.
Plot is different from Story STORY is a chronological sequence (arranged in time) of events/episodes PLOT: need not be chronologically sequenced Can rearrange the elements of the story so they are not in order (e.g. showing the ending at the beginning) Sometimes in detective tales, the initial action of the story is not disclosed to the reader until nearly the end to produce the element of surprise Irony; Plot; Symbol Theme; Conflict

5 Plot Structure

6 Constituents of a Plot EXPOSITION/INTRODUCTION is the information needed to understand what will happen during the time frame of a story. It usually consists of background information and the setting Contains the inciting incident/moment the spark that starts the story

7 Constituents of a Plot RISING ACTION is the catalyst that begins the major conflict. The basic conflict is made more complicated by the introduction of details and further conflict Suspense is built

8 Constituents of a Plot CLIMAX OR CRISIS is the turning point in the story that occurs when characters try to resolve the complication. This is the point of no return. After the climax, things cannot go back to the way they were. Most exciting moment of the story (but doesn’t have to be).

9 Constituents of a Plot Con’d
FALLING ACTION: Comes after the climax Loose ends are tied up The complexities of the plot are solved and / or revealed RESOLUTION is the tying up of the loose ends of the story, the ending or outcome. All final questions are answered EPIPHANY: a moment of startling, sudden insight gained by the main character as a result of the unfolding of events in the story

10 The Three Little Pigs

11 “Just Lather, That’s All”
Hernando Tellez ( ) Setting: Columbia Stories have political comments about the 35-year civil war between military and guerillas for power The civil war was fuelled by cocaine, heroin, and marijuana Task: Let’s read the story. Answer questions. Map the Plot structure Find symbols, conflict, theme and irony. Irony; Plot; Symbol Theme; Conflict

12 To know what irony, plot, theme and conflict are.
Captain Torres: military leader, brutal Barber: rebel, secret informer Symbolism of razor, shaving, lather Act of shaving as a war-like activity Barber’s point of view: - emphasizes the animalism of the captain, juxtaposed with simplicity of the barber’s work. - emphasizes irony at the end Allusion: Pontius Pilate Irony; Plot; Symbol Theme; Conflict

13 Theme Central generalization about life, a view of life
To be able to explain and analyze the irony, plot, theme and conflict by supporting your ideas with examples from the short story Just Lather, That’s All. Theme Central generalization about life, a view of life Usually implied, rather than stated Not necessarily a simple moral—much more complex (what does the story reveal?) Value of looking at the world from other points of view than just our own. Irony; Plot; Symbol Theme; Conflict

14 When Stating Theme… Irony; Plot; Symbol Theme; Conflict
To be able to explain and analyze the irony, plot, theme and conflict by supporting your ideas with examples from the short story Just Lather, That’s All. When Stating Theme… Always put it in a complete sentence. State as a generalization. Don’t generalize beyond what the story justifies. Must be a unifying concept supported by all aspects of the story Avoid reducing theme to a familiar saying we have heard. Theme can be stated in more than one way. Irony; Plot; Symbol Theme; Conflict

15 Conflict: A problem or struggle between two opposing forces in a story
Conflict: A problem or struggle between two opposing forces in a story. There are four basic conflicts: · Person Against Person: A problem between characters. · Person Against Self: A problem within a character’s own mind. · Person Against Society: A problem between a character and society, school, the law, or some tradition. · Person Against Nature: A problem between a character and some element of nature-a blizzard, a hurricane, a mountain climb, etc.

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