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Story Elements.

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1 Story Elements

2 Plot What is the Plot? Plot is the overall structure of the story. It is composed of all the different parts that give the story a beginning, middle, and end. Without a plot, the story wouldn’t make sense and we probably wouldn’t want to read it!

3 Parts of the Plot Climax Rising Action Falling Action Exposition

4 Exposition: The introduction of the story
Exposition: The introduction of the story. May include information such as location, character names/facts, time period, etc. Rising Action: Complications begin to arise! The important events begin happening… Climax: The biggest, most important, sometimes most shocking, part of the story. Falling Action: The events that take place after the climax, resolving the conflicts. Resolution: The “Happily Ever After” or the “Tragic Ending.” Wraps the story up and gives you that “done” feeling.

5 Mapping a Story/Novel/Movie
When you map a story/novel/movie in class, this is the shape that it follows.

6 Setting What is setting? Setting is where a story takes place Location
Weather Type of town Atmosphere Geography

7 Characterization What is characterization?
Characterization is how the author creates realistic, meaningful characters. It takes a lot of work to create “people” that seem real who readers can connect with! Authors show character in 5 ways What the character says What the character does What the character looks like What the character thinks What other people think, feel, and say about the character

8 Types of Characters Round
Like a ball, these characters have many sides and different aspects to their personality They are very much like a real person– they are complicated and complex. When we read about round characters, we often feel like we know them and can connect to them… we want to know what happens to them.

9 Types of Characters Flat:
Like the top of a flat table, flat characters only have one side. We don’t learn much about them, and they often seem to be overly simplistic. We don’t really care about them. Usually minor characters are flat

10 5 Types of Conflict in Literature
Man Vs. Man

11 Man Vs. Self

12 Man Vs. Nature

13 Man Vs. Society

14 Man Vs. Supernatural

15 Theme What is theme? Examples:
Theme—the central idea, or insight, about life or human behavior that a story reveals The theme is the idea upon which a story is built. It is often the theme that makes a story stand out to us, or makes it memorable. Examples: Appearances can be deceiving. It pays to work hard and plan ahead. Doing good things often leads to rewards. It is worth fighting for what is right no matter what.

16 Theme Is Tricky! Don’t confuse it with Subject which is just the topic the story is about. The subject doesn’t teach us anything! Example Subjects: Loyalty War Love Racism

17 If even one element is weak, it can affect our reactions to a story…
All of these elements work together to create cohesive, interesting stories that make us want to read them!!! If even one element is weak, it can affect our reactions to a story…

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