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American Government and Organization

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1 American Government and Organization
PS1301 Wednesday, 11 February

2 Announcements Midterm curve 14 points
Kerry wins Virginia and Tennessee; Clark drops out Virginia Kerry (52%) Edwards (27%) Clark (9%) Tennessee Kerry (41%) Edwards (26%) Clark (23%)

3 The President and the Constitution
The president’s constitutional duties and authority as commander in chief, diplomat, executive, and legislator are found in Article II of the Constitution.

4 Emergence of the Modern Presidency
Prior to 20th century, president exercised little power Congress was main institution – leadership in policymaking Growth of federal government and complexity of policy led to increased role for president Also, involvement in world wars Staff, resources grew as asserted more power (Executive Office of the President)

5 Sources of Presidential Power
Constitutional powers-formal powers Delegated powers (vs. implied powers) Presidential popularity

6 Presidential Power Leadership gravitates to presidents during crisis, but then dissipates quickly as the crisis recedes. Source of Power - Delegation of power from Congress and successful presidential assertions of authority (e.g. War Powers Act 1973) President as commander in chief and head diplomat

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