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Canterbury Tales: The Prologue

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1 Canterbury Tales: The Prologue
The Pilgrims: 3rd Hour

2 Knight Characterization: respectful, honorable, spiritual 1st to tell story 2 Details: 1. “followed chivalry” 2. “in fifteen mortal battles he had been” Chaucer’s Attitude: respectful, admiring

3 Miller Characterization: sly, greedy 2 Details:
1. A wrangler and a Buffoon thumb of gold 2. “he felt it with his thumb and thus he knew its quality and took three times his due”. Chaucer’s Attitude:An idiot and malevolent

4 Squire Characterization: Passionate, casual, talented (son of the knight) 2 Details: 1. “Singing he was, or fluting all the day” 2. “Knew how to joust and dance, to draw and write Chaucer’s Attitude: Whimsical, earnest

5 Summoner Characterization: Scoundrel, Lecherous, Alcoholic; Summons sinners to court 2 Details: 1. “He had carbuncles” 2. “Purse is the good Archdeacon's Hell Chaucer’s Attitude: Sarcastic & Scornful

6 Reeve Characterization: Temper, Angry, Rich manager of an estate
2 Details: 1. “Feared like the plague” 2. “The Reeve was old and choleric and thin” Chaucer’s Attitude: Hostile, Aggressive, and Threatening

7 Parson Characterization: Unselfish, holy minded 2 Details:
1. “Teaches the word of god” 2. “He takes care of sheep” Chaucer’s Attitude:Never contemptuous of sinful men and a religious honest priest.

8 Wife of bath Characterization:whimsical, skilled, self-assured
2 Details: 1. Had 5 husbands 2. Her hose were of the finest scarlet red Chaucer’s Attitude: fascinated by her, finds her interesting, and attractive

9 Pardoner Characterization:Passionate and Mischievous sells pardons & fake relics 2 Details: 1. “a gentle Pardoner” 2. “In Church he was a noble ecclesiast” Chaucer’s Attitude: Skeptical and not trustworthy.

10 Monk Characterization: Physical appearance 2 Details:
1. “I saw his sleeves were garnished at the hand with fine grey fur, the finest in the land.” 2. “Which says that hunters are not holy men and that a monk uncloistered is a mere fish out of water flapping on the pier” Chaucer’s Attitude:Questioning

11 Friar Characterization: wanton & merry 2 Details:
1. He knew the taverns well in every-town. 2. Instead of weeping and of prayer one should give silver for a poor friar’s care. Chaucer’s Attitude: angry, harsh, & blunt.

12 Franklin Characterization: Delightful, Sanguine, Proud well-to-do landowner w/ food & drink 2 Details: 1. Was a member of the shire 2. Was a sheriff Chaucer’s Attitude:Adoring and friendly

13 Cook Characterization: Physical appearance 2 Details:
1. Ulcer on his knee 2. Can distinguish London ale by flavor. Nice... Chaucer’s Attitude: sarcastic, paranoid

14 Yeoman Characterization: Shy, Proud, Confident skilled woodsman; coat & hood of green 2 Details: 1. “His head was like a nut, his face was brown.” 2. “His arrows never drooped their feathers low- and his hand he bore a mighty bow.” Chaucer’s Attitude: Passionate, modest

15 Doctor Characterization: Intelligent but corrupt; deals with apothecary 2 Details: 1.”In blood red garments, slashed with bluish grey and lined with taffeta” 2. “No one alive could talk as well as he did on points of medicine and surgery” Chaucer’s Attitude:Disliking

16 Cleric Characterization: Respectful and Scholarly 2 Details:
1. Gladly would he learn, and gladly teach 2 His only care was study Chaucer’s Attitude: admiring

17 Host Characterization: friendly hotel manager Details
1. Merry-hearted man 2. Comes up with plan to tell tales on pilgrimage Chaucer’s Attitude: admiring

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