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Multiple Ant Colonies Presented by Brandon Borkholder

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1 Multiple Ant Colonies Presented by Brandon Borkholder
Based on MACS-VRPTW: A Multiple Ant Colony System for Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows

2 Problem Route a fleet of delivery vehicles Minimize cost and time
Primary variable is cost/tours Most realistic as vehicles are variable cost

3 Solution Define two Ant Colony Systems (ACS) One for each parameter

4 Solution, cont. Cooperate by pheromone updating
Pheromone levels indicate how desirable an arc is Opposing influences: exploration and exploitation Ants decide where to go (probabilistically) based on maximal pheromone levels As an ant passes over an arc, it decreases the pheromone

5 Implementation Procedure MACS-VRPTW() Repeat
v ← #active_vehicles(ψ gb ) Activate ACS-VEI(v - 1) Activate ACS-TIME(v) While ACS-VEI and ACS-TIME are active Wait an improved solution ψ from ACS-VEI or ACS-TIME ψ gb ← ψ if #active_vehicles(ψ gb ) < v then kill ACS-TIME and ACS-VEI End While until a stopping criterion is met

6 Implementation, cont. Find an initial solution for given cost
Improve on time until we can improve on cost Then improve on time with that parameter of cost

7 Implementation, cont. The ants for time might not find a complete solution Import the other edges in a greedy best-first manner

8 Alternative Methods Exact methods Tabu and large neighborhood searches
Works well for constricted time windows Solution space is small

9 Results

10 Advantages/Disadvantages
Very fast < 30 minutes for ~100 nodes All the advantages of swarm Adaptable, etc. Disadvantages Is a complex system with many concepts Really not optimizing both parameters simultaneously

11 Questions

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