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Presentation on theme: "CLEAR REFERENCE."— Presentation transcript:


2 In the following sentences, identify the pronouns and their antecedents.

3 I asked Mr. Jordan for the answer but he didn’t know it.

4 The Potters have a new sailboat on which they intend to cruise.

5 Handing George the coat, the salesman said, “Try this on for size.”


7 Ambiguous reference occurs when a pronoun refers confusingly to two antecedents so that the reader does not know at once which antecedent is meant.

8 For Example:

9 The President appointed Senator Moore as chairman because he was convinced of the importance of the committee’s work.

10 How can the ambiguous reference in this sentence be corrected?

11 The President, convinced of the importance of the committee’s work, appointed Senator Moore as chairman.

12 Let’s try another one.

13 The partnership between Jones and Potter ended when he drew the firm’s money from the bank and flew to Brazil.

14 How can the ambiguous reference in this sentence be corrected?

15 The partnership between Jones and Potter ended when Jones drew the firm’s money from the bank and flew to Brazil.


17 General reference occurs when a pronoun refers confusingly to a general idea that is only vaguely expressed.

18 For example:

19 The boys wore ski boots to their classes which the principal disapproved of.

20 How can the general reference in this sentence be corrected?

21 The principal disapproved of the boys’ wearing ski boots to their classes.

22 Let’s try another one.

23 During class Tom tapped his pencil on the desk, scraped his feet on the floor, and dropped his books. This annoyed the teacher.

24 How can the general reference in this sentence be corrected?

25 Tom annoyed the teacher by tapping his pencil on the desk, scraping his feet on the floor, and dropping his books.

26 And finally . . .

27 We sat down and talked for awhile
We sat down and talked for awhile. It helped clear up the misunderstanding.

28 How can this general reference error be corrected?

29 We sat down and talked for awhile
We sat down and talked for awhile. Our discussion helped clear things up.

30 Weak Pronoun Reference

31 Weak reference occurs when the antecedent has not been expressed but exists only in the writer’s mind.

32 For example:

33 We spent the day aboard a fishing boat, but we didn’t catch a single one.

34 How can we make the sentence clear?

35 We spent the day aboard a fishing boat, but we didn’t catch a single fish.

36 Let’s try another one.

37 He is a great believer in witchcraft, but he doubts that they ride on broomsticks.

38 How do we make the sentence clear?

39 He is a great believer in witches, but he doubts that they ride on broomsticks.
OR He is a great believer in witchcraft, but he doubts that witches ride on broomsticks.

40 Indefinite Reference

41 In writing avoid indefinite use of the pronouns it, they, and you.

42 For example:

43 In the final chapter it implies that the hero died a martyr’s death.

44 How can we make the sentence clear?

45 The final chapter implies that the hero died a martyr’s death.

46 Let’s try another one.

47 On planes that are in flight at mealtime, they serve meals without charge.

48 How can we make the sentence clear?

49 On planes that are in flight at mealtime, meals are served without charge.

50 And finally, . . .

51 In some countries, you don’t dare express political views openly.

52 How can we make the sentence clear?

53 In some countries, the people don’t dare express political views openly.

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