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Home: Massachusetts Time Period: 1600s

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1 Home: Massachusetts Time Period: 1600s
Puritans Home: Massachusetts Time Period: 1600s

2 Religion in 1600s Believed good and evil spirits around at all times.
Martin Luther: “Pestilence, fever and other severe diseases are naught else than the Devil’s work.” Believed God was sovereign over Satan. There was an over emphasis on the supernatural because religion had been becoming too rational.

3 European Witch Trials Witches had been executed in Europe for over 300 years. Torture was used to gain confessions Thousands were executed Most burned at the stake. In England witches were hanged as they were in Salem Bible: Christ cast out demons Exodus “Do not allow a witch to live.”

4 What do you know about the Puritans based on this picture?





9 What do you know about Puritans based on this picture?

10 What do you know about Puritans based on this picture?

11 How would you describe their clothes?

12 What do you notice about Puritans in this picture?

13 What can you infer about the Puritans from this picture?

14 This is a picture of Salem Village around 1692
This is a picture of Salem Village around What conclusions can you draw based on what you see in this picture?

15 Puritan View of God and the Bible
Mysterious Distant Not understandable Book of Law Infallible

16 Five Basic Beliefs Man is sinful Man can’t save himself
God chooses people to be saved God’s grace saves – not their actions Once saved – always saved

17 Strict Moral Code Sabbath (Sunday):
A day of prayer & worship – no work Levity – no laughing, silliness, life is serious Gambling – forbidden, dishonest; a waste of time Drinking: no drunkenness Idleness: Doing nothing was against the law Death Penalty: adultery, murder, rebellion, witchcraft Dancing not allowed a waste of time - evil

18 Clothing Long sleeves Long skirts No jewelry No lace No ribbon
No fur hats Women are considered “of the devil” or the “devil’s tool”

19 Worship Service and Building
Barren Well lit No musical instruments Separate seating of sexes 1-3 hour service How does this fit with the ideas of Puritanism?

20 Church Government Only property owners could be a church member
Women couldn’t vote Theocracy (church & state are one) Pastor was the head of the community

21 Attitudes Toward Others
Very Intolerant “The Puritan community thought that heretics should have only the liberty to leave.”

22 Have we learned from the Puritans?
Plain living (basics) High thinking Work ethic Morality Democracy (Roger Williams)

23 Definition of a witch: A person possessed and controlled by the Devil
or one of his demons.

24 Facts of the Salem Trials Salem, Massachusetts
Lasted from May to Sept (less than 6 mos.) There had been three separate instances before this in other communities in New England where witches were hanged. If a witch confessed to being a witch, he (she) would NOT die. Salem pastor was Rev. Samuel Parris He had a daughter (age 9) Betty (Elizabeth) And a niece (age 11) Abigail She is 17 in the play

25 More Facts Abigail Williams led the girls The girls listened to stories of witchcraft and magic told by a West Indian slave named Tituba. They were found dancing in the woods at a séance. The girls blamed the slave to escape punishment. No one was free from accusation. Even the wife of the governor of Massachusetts was accused. Signs of the girls’ fits: Couldn’t talk; choking; acted like animals – barking; being pinched; falling into fits.

26 Physicians could find nothing wrong with the girls.

27 Effects of Witch Trials
About 200 were imprisoned on suspicion of witchcraft 19 were hanged 1 was pressed to death Giles Corey years old 55 confessed to being witches and avoided death. Other accused witches died in prison: Sarah Osborn Roger Toothaker Lyndia Dustin Ann Foster (As many as thirteen** others may have died in prison.) **sources conflict as to the exact number of prison deaths

28 19 Were Hanged Bridget Bishop Martha Carrier Martha Corey Mary Easty Sarah Good Elizabeth Howe George Jacobs, Sr. Susannah Martin Rebecca Nurse Alice Parker Mary Parker John Proctor Ann Pudeator Wilmott Redd Margaret Scott Samuel Wardwell Sara Wildes John Willard George Burroughs

29 Bridgette Bishop Hanging

30 Important People in History and in the Play
Abigail Williams John Proctor Elizabeth Proctor Marry Warren Betty Parris Rev. Parris Judge Danforth Rev. Hale

31 Arthur Miller

32 His Life Born – N.Y. City – wealthy family
Father suffered heavy losses during stock market crash of 1929 High School dropout Worked as a shipping clerk 1934 – U. of Michigan accepted him Married Marilyn Monroe (divorced) Began to write in college All My Sons – 1947 Death of a Salesman – 1949 Won the Pulitzer Prize The Crucible – 1953

33 Themes in the Play Greed Betrayal Individual’s responsibility
to himself/herself and to society

34 Why did Arthur Miller write The Crucible?

35 McCarthyism McCarthyism

36 McCarthy Hearings The McCarthy Hearings were being condemned by Miller as a witch hunt like that in Salem. Many were accused of association with Communists in McCarthy Hearings. People were found guilty with little or no evidence – guilt by association Many lives and reputations were ruined by the Hearings. Miller was not a Communist party member but advocated equality of classes. He was disillusioned by Communism in the Soviet Union. Arthur Miller himself was called before the U.S. Senate House Committee on Un-American Activities because of this play.



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