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Neurons and Nervous System

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Presentation on theme: "Neurons and Nervous System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neurons and Nervous System

2 Neuron (single-cell) level in the brain:
How do individual brain cells work? Nervous system: How is the brain “hooked up” to the whole body? Whole brain. How is the brain specialized to do all it does?

3 Brain Cells Neurons = brain cells Ultimately all brain activity can be
reduced to the “firing” of these cells Your neurons are firing right now!

4 Neuron Parts of the Neuron Cell Body Dendrites Axons
Dendrites -Receive inputs from neighboring neurons Many, many dendrites per neuron Axons –The cell’s output structure – send info to next cell One axon per cell (“cell’s tail”)

5 All or None Law A neuron can’t fire just a little bit--it
either “fires” or it doesn’t Technical term: action potential (means neuron firing)


7 Synapse Synapse = space between neurons
Neurons never touch each other- (like islands) Synapse = filled with chemicals – Called neurotransmitters Chemicals from 1 neuron go out the axon –across the synapse - into the dendrite of the next neuron



10 Neurotransmitters are very specific – like Lock and Key
Neurotransmitter molecules have specific shapes Receptor molecules have binding sites

11 http://www. youtube. com/watch

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