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IB-Parent Information Night Learner Profile of the Month: Communicator

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1 IB-Parent Information Night Learner Profile of the Month: Communicator
Mrs. Stone’s Class Classroom Newsletter November 7, 2016 Dates to Remember What Are We Learning? Nov. 7th –Square 1 Art Due PYP Info Night at 6:00 pm Nov. 8th –Report Cards Chess 2:30 Nov. 9th - $1.00 Hat Day for IDF Nov. 10th –Fall Makeup & Class Pictures School Store Nov. 11th – Veterans Day – NO SCHOOL Nov. 14th – 18th – Food Drive coming Book Fair Math – (1.NBT.4) I can add to 100. - 2 digit number and a 1 digit number - 2 digit number and a multiple of 10 ELA – (1.RL.5a) I can tell the different parts of a story book. (1.RL.5b) I can tell the different parts of an informational text. (1.W.2a) I can write to share information or to explain a topic. (1.RI.3a) I can describe connections between two individuals. (1.RI.3d) I can describe connections between two pieces of information. (1.RI.4a) I can ask questions to help me understand words and phrases in a text. Social Studies – (1.H.1.2) I can explain the importance of neighborhood celebrations. (1.H.1.3) I can describe the different national holidays and why they are celebrated. Letterland: Unit Eight Students will learn when a two or three letter word has one vowel at the end, the vowel almost always says the Vowel Man’s name and y as a single vowel on the end of a short word says /i/ as in my and why. Students are placed on each list, depending on how they did on the Pre-Test. Our Spelling test on these words will be on Friday. Your child will only be tested on the list that they were placed on! PYP Night at CCE: IB-Parent Information Night Please join us on November 7th at 6pm in the Media Center. We will share with you all of the progress we have made so far this year and where we are headed next. We will also have some folks here to talk to you about an opportunity to host students as part of our cultural exchange program. Learner Profile of the Month: Communicator We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups. Mrs. Stephanie Stone address: Coddle Creek Elementary School Phone number: 141 Frank’s Crossing Loop Mooresville, NC Website:

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