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A Partnership Between the Third Sector, HE and Education Scotland.

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2 A Partnership Between the Third Sector, HE and Education Scotland.
The Promise of Open Education Conference 11th September 2017 Fran Ranaldi Development Officer – Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice

3 Collaboration Background Education Scotland HMI
The Making Sense Working Group are working with stakeholders to support the implementation of the 5 inter- connecting recommendations, all of which together, aim to improve the outcome for learners with Dyslexia in Scottish Schools. To achieve this aim the recommendations focus on: Providing high quality professional learning opportunities and guidance Supporting schools and local authorities to develop/improve their inclusive practice Increase the use of the Toolkit by teachers and authority staff. May 2014

4 Criteria for Professional Learning on Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice
The Making Sense Working Group and the Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit working group were aware of a ‘gap’ with regards to the availability of professional learning which: Is set within the Scottish educational context Is freely available Is recognised as high quality Will support practitioners with practical and relevant guidance and pedagogy to inform their daily practice in schools and local authorities. Improve practitioner’s confidence in the identification process of dyslexia and literacy difficulties in Scotland. Provides a respected recognition /award upon completion Links to the General Teaching Council for Scotland ‘s standards for registration and professional learning.

5 Collaborative Partnership
Initial approach from the Open University to Dyslexia Scotland We were then supported by the OEPs team with a development session to scope out the possibility of developing 3 linked modules. Support was provided through the process from the OEPs team.


7 Positive Aspects of this Collaborative Project
OEPs extensive experience, knowledge and understanding in the development of online learning has played a crucial part in the development of the modules. The teams' ability and willingness to share ideas and support the development of the modules. Shared understanding of project ‘s ambitious aims Shared sense of enthusiasm for the project. The production and publication of 2 modules in a very short time span – 3rd one to be published in January 2018 Module enrolments and evaluations

8 Free Professional Learning Resources

9 Education Scotland Denholm House Almondvale Business Park Almondvale Way Livingston EH54 6GA T +44 (0) E

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