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Vocabulary Week5.

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1 Vocabulary Week5

2 Circle Map Definition Term Examples/Synonyms Non-Examples Antonyms
Frame Of Reference Characteristics/ Drawing Definition Term Non-Examples Antonyms Examples/Synonyms

3 Mnemonic Devices A system of making something easier to memorize. Ms. Gelston’s classes came up with mnemonic devices for some of our other words. Benevolent- a doer of good Benevolent  Be-not-violent Morose- gloomy Morose Someone who dies gets more roses

4 Mnemonic Devices More Exemplars: Attire-dress Customers dress casually at tire shops. Rampant- Wild I ran, pants down. Depict- represented Dee picked a flag shirt to wear on the 4th of July. After we go thru today’s words I want to see what you can come up with It doesn’t have to have the exact word in it, but close in pronunciation.

5 Dominion Immoderate Wrath Appease Indictment Deposed Lanced Afflicted

6 The president would not begin his speech until he had complete dominion over the audience. Dominion noun control

7 The police lieutenant was fired because of his immoderate language towards the motorist. Immoderate adj. not sensible or restrained; excessive

8 Jonathan Edwards delivered a sermon about how parishioners would experience God’s wrath if they didn’t repent. Wrath noun extreme anger

9 Danielle began to study every night because she wanted to appease her parents with good grades. appease verb to relieve or satisfy

10 Everyone in the courtroom was silent as they awaited the grand jury’s indictment of the murderer. Indictment noun a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.

11 Many people demanded Venezuelan Nicolas Maduro be immediately deposed because of the current state of the country. Deposed verb remove from office suddenly and forcefully

12 Mom’s new knives lanced the cheese as if it was butter. Lanced verb
Mom’s new knives lanced the cheese as if it was butter. Lanced verb. Prick or cut open with a sharp instrument

13 U.S. senators are aware that much of Africa is afflicted with poverty, hunger and violence. Afflicted verb. Cause pain or suffering to

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