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Title: What are the effects of moving charge ?

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1 Title: What are the effects of moving charge ?
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia General Directorate of Education Riyadh Private Education Office مدارس مدينة العلوم العالمية Madinat Al – Oloum International Schools American Curriculum Title: What are the effects of moving charge ? Presented by:Kholoud Subject Date:

2 Explain what is electric charge ?
Objective Explain what is electric charge ?

3 matter made of a single type of particle
Element Atom


5 - + + - A proton has a positive charge.
An atom is identified by the number of protons it has. 1-Electrons move around the protons and neutrons. 2- An electron has a negative charge. 3-Electrons may join or leave atoms, or be shared between atoms ATOM - + Proton Electron + -

6 What would happen when the atom gains electrons
Negative charge atom

7 What would happen when the atom loses electrons
Positive charge atom

8 What are kinds of objects ?
No charge Negative charge Positive charge

9 Explain How charged matter act
Objective Explain How charged matter act

10 Explain How charged matter act
Attract Repel

11 What will happen when you rub a balloon on your hair

12 Negative charge Positive charge

13 Static electricity


15 Flow electrical charges through a material
Current Flow electrical charges through a material

16 A force that Push or pull between object with electric charge
Electricity Electrons often move from object to another when the object s are rubbed together Repel attract

17 What happens if you insert two batteries in a flashlight so that the negative end of one battery touches the negative end of the other ?

18 Explain how does charge move?
Objective Explain how does charge move?

19 Flow electrical charges through a material
Current Flow electrical charges through a material

20 copper Aluminum steel

21 Material Conductor Insulators
charges not able to move freely, atoms that do not become charged easily. Electric charge moves through them more slowly material in which a charge can flow easily ex. copper, silver are good conductor .

22 The electrons they are tightly to gether
Material They have some electrons that are not tightly joined to their atoms so they can move easily The electrons they are tightly to gether Conductor Insulater

23 These electrons can move through the conductor.
Conductor is a material through which an electric charge can move easily. Conductors have some electrons that are not tightly bound to their atoms. These electrons can move through the conductor.

24 Conductor nonmetal Liquids and gases Metal Pencil lead Graphite Salt water Pure metal Mixed metals

25 Flowing Electric current Resistance of the material
The material that tries to prevent the flow of an electric charge called Flowing Electric current Resistance of the material Resistor Nickle Chromium

26 material does not allow electric charges to flow through it easily
material does not allow electric charges to flow through it easily. Because of this resistance, the flowing electric charges heat up the wire. The wire gives off light. Swatch

27 Resistance material does not allow electric charges to flow through it easily. Because of this resistance, the flowing electric charges heat up the wire. The wire gives off light.

28 Insulator Strong resistor that can stop most electric current
Ex/ Rubber , plastic , glass and dry cotton

29 Material Superconductor Resistor
The material that tries to prevent the flow of an electric charge called Materials that have no resistance to electrical charge and usually operate at very cold temperature

30 Many metals and Ceramics can become superconductor
Happen only at super-cold temperature

31 A material that has no resistance to electrical current is a superconductor.
Many metals and some ceramics can become superconductors. This usually happens only at super-cold temperatures. But it is difficult to cool materials to super-cold temperatures. Some scientists are trying to make superconductors that work at warmer temperatures. If they succeed, we can build electric devices that use less electrical energy.

32 if no current is flowing through a metal wire what happen to the charged electrons

33 The charged electrons in random directions
The charged electrons move in the same direction

34 Electric charge Resistor Conductor Resists the flow of an
Can move easily through a Is an example of Electric charge Copper Super resists the flow of an Insulator

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