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Modes of Discourse May serve as the primary mode of composition for an essay, or a smaller component of a larger essay.

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Presentation on theme: "Modes of Discourse May serve as the primary mode of composition for an essay, or a smaller component of a larger essay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modes of Discourse May serve as the primary mode of composition for an essay, or a smaller component of a larger essay

2 Narration Tells a story by presenting events in an orderly, logical sequence Typically chronological order

3 Description Tells readers about the physical characteristics of a person, place, or thing It relies on the five senses Usually a component of a larger essay with a different primary purpose

4 Exemplification Uses examples (or one example) to illustrate or explain a general point or an abstract concept

5 Comparison & Contrast Comparison Contrast
Shows how two or more things are alike Contrast Shows how two or more things are different Usually used together, not separately

6 Classification & Division
Process of breaking a whole into parts Classification Process of sorting individual items into categories Tries to make sense of seemingly random ideas by putting scattered bits of information into useful, coherent order

7 Definition Tells what a term means and how it differs from other terms in its class Formal definitions Dictionary Extended definitions Explaining what something, or someone, is – its essential nature Explaining what something, or someone, is not

8 Cause & Effect Analyzes why something happens
Examines causes, describes effects, or does both Links situations and events together in time with causes preceding effects Analysis of why something happened or is happening can lead to a prediction of what will happen

9 Process Analysis Explains how to do something or how something occurs
Presents a sequence of steps and shows how thise steps lead to a particular result Typically chronological order

10 Argumentation Process of reasoning that asserts the soundness of a debatable position, belief, or conclusion It takes a stand and urges the audience to share the speaker’s perspective Appeals to reason (logos) more so than anything else

11 Quick Think Journal When was the last time you saw a homeless person? Describe the situation and what you remember about this person. What other experiences have you or someone you know has with the homeless or homelessness? How does the local community perceive homelessness? Do you think that these ideas are accurate? Explain.

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