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Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. M.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. M."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. M

2 Choice1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 Besides diet, rest & exercise
What are good posture or avoiding alcohol, tobacco and drugs? Besides diet, rest & exercise name 2 other factors needed for good health Row 1, Col 1

4 Use of tobacco can affect
Cardiovascular, respiratory & digestive ? Use of tobacco can affect these body systems. 1,2

5 Done regularly, this promotes Circulation, improves muscle
What is exercise? Done regularly, this promotes Circulation, improves muscle Tone and helps your Mental attitude. 1,3

6 The main rule of teamwork is?
What is the golden rule ? The main rule of teamwork is? 1,4

7 Function properly, who must
What is everyone on the team? In order for a team to Function properly, who must Understand the role of each team member. 2,1

8 Performing a task on time
What is dependability? Performing a task on time and completing it accurately. 2,2

9 People with aphasia or a Communication barrier.
What is physical barrier ? People with aphasia or a Speech impairments Represent this type of Communication barrier. 2,3

10 Observing a patient’s right To confidential care and
What is discretion? Observing a patient’s right To confidential care and Watching what you say are Examples of. 2,4

11 The Federal law that requires Healthcare workers obtain
What is HIPAA? The Federal law that requires Healthcare workers obtain Consent for using and sharing patient healthcare Information & medical records. 3,1

12 Taking daily showers, brushing And flossing teeth, using
What is good personal hygiene? Taking daily showers, brushing And flossing teeth, using Deaoderant, wearing clean clothes Are all part of this. 3,2

13 Learning to deal with obstacles
What is patience? Learning to deal with obstacles or being tolerant and understanding are examples of. 3,3

14 Saying or doing the most fitting thing is an example of.
What is tact? Saying or doing the most fitting thing is an example of. 3,4

15 This type of leader makes all Of the decisions for the group.
What is autocratic? This type of leader makes all Of the decisions for the group. 4,1

16 Communication process
What is a sender, receiver, message, feedback? The 4 parts of the Communication process 4,2

17 Customs, values, beliefs or Shared by a group of people.
What is Cultural Diversity? Customs, values, beliefs or attitudes Shared by a group of people. 4,3

18 Type of leader that allows the
What is Laissez-faire? Type of leader that allows the Group to function with Little or no guidance. 4,4

19 Remembering that people have a right to their feelings,
What is empathy? Remembering that people have a right to their feelings, And not be judging them as right or wrong Is an example. 5,1

20 A patient who is anxious or Frightened, has this type
What is psychological? A patient who is anxious or Frightened, has this type Of communication barrier. 5,2

21 Admitting to a mistake so it
What is honesty? Admitting to a mistake so it Can be corrected, is an Example of. 5,3

22 A leadership style that takes Into account the opinions
What is democratic A leadership style that takes Into account the opinions Of all team members. 5,4

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