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Matthew 21:9 (Amplified Bible)

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2 Matthew 21:9 (Amplified Bible)
9 And the crowds that went ahead of Him and those that followed Him kept shouting, Hosanna (O be propitious, graciously inclined) to the Son of David, [the Messiah]! Blessed (praised, glorified) is He Who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna (O be favorably disposed) in the highest [heaven]!

3 1. A REACHING HEART Exodus 6:6 The Lord told Moses He would rescue Israel with an "outstretched arm".

4 1. A REACHING HEART 2. A TURNED HEART The word "incline" also is used to describe a "turning aside" Balaam’s donkey that turned aside when it saw the Angel with the drawn sword (Numbers 22:23).

5 1. A REACHING HEART 2. A TURNED HEART 3. A DIRECTED HEART The word "incline" is sometimes used to speak of "giving attention to", to "turn one’s attention to."

6 1. A REACHING HEART 2. A TURNED HEART 3. A DIRECTED HEART 1 Samuel 14:7 So his armor bearer said to him, “Do all that is in your heart. Go then; here I am with you, according to your heart.”

7 1. A REACHING HEART 2. A TURNED HEART 3. A DIRECTED HEART 4. A SATURATED HEART Psalm 119:36 Incline my heart to your testimonies, And not to covetousness.

8 Conclusion– This little verse invites us to
examine our hearts. Do we have a heart inclined toward God’s Word? Do we pray as the Psalmist did that God would move in answer to our prayers, and influence our heart in such a way that it would be inclined toward what God said and not the enticing words of other influences?

9 “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
Hosanna in the highest!” HAVE A GREAT WEEK


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