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A Whirlwind Tour of Progressive Reforms

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1 A Whirlwind Tour of Progressive Reforms
1870s to 1910s

2 Major Theme of this Lecture
By the late 19th century, the U.S. had fulfilled its Manifest Destiny  spread from Pacific to Atlantic It had become a major industrial power and a wealthy nation Wealth creation had been allowed willy-nilly. Some of the impacts did not match with American ideals (equality, liberty, democracy, opportunity, rights) Progressives looked for ways to restore these ideals to the ‘little guy’

3 Railroads Problems Corruption Price Fixing
Railroad company (Union Pacific) hired by U.S. gov. to build railroad Railroad company stockholders set up a fake construction company (Credit Mobilier) to build railroads. This company charged crazy high rates, and stockholders took the extra. Congressmen were given shares in the railroad in order to ‘look the other way’ Price Fixing If there is only one railroad line, charge very high prices Example- many short railroad trips cost more than long ones What is the point here?

4 Railroads Solutions Grangers tried to get laws passed
Grangers- farmers’ union Munn v. Illinois and the Interstate Commerce Acts were attempts to regulate railroads These failed Result- corrupt railroads led to a large recession

5 Women’s Rights Problems Can’t vote or hold office
Not admitted to colleges Victorian ideals Women must be proper and lady-like at all times

6 Women’s Rights Solutions Women’s suffrage movement
Suffrage = the right to vote Seneca Falls Convention  1848  women pledge to work for their rights Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton Oppositions from liquor store owners, factory owners (women are against child-labor), and men (who like their privileges) Some women were radicals  burned down houses, spit on police, etc. Pre- WWI  some states (Wyoming) grant women the right to vote Post-WWI  women’s wartime contributions convinces many that women deserve the vote 19th Amendment

7 Teddy Roosevelt President who Supported Progressive reforms
Thought president could use the ‘bully pulpit’ to win reforms Bully pulpit- president’s voice is loud and influential  using this pulpit (place to speak to a crowd) the Robber Barons could be bullied

8 Teddy Roosevelt (cont.)
Promised Americans a ‘square deal’ ‘Trustbuster’ – broke up more trusts than previous presidents Sided with workers in a mine strike When mine owners wouldn’t compromise, TR threatened to use the army to take over the mines Outlawed railroads giving free passes to congressmen. Why? Form of bribery. First ‘conservationist’ president  set aside lands for ‘the people’

9 Health Reforms Problems The Jungle Solutions Meat Inspection Act
Food and Drug Administration

10 Civil Rights Problems Legal segregation Solutions Not much
Presidents did not make this a priority, although they did help in a few individual cases Presidents are unwilling to pass anti-lynching laws

11 Civil Rights Disagreement among African Americans about the proper route for movement for equal rights Booker T Washington  Black people should work hard and pull themselves up without spending time focusing on unfair laws  these laws can be dealt with once African Americans have jobs and wealth E. B. Dubois  Black people must demand total equality immediately NAACP set up on this second model

12 Tariffs Problem Factory owners want high tariffs. Why?
Protects them from foreign competition Workers want lower tariffs. Why? Gives them lower prices. During the Gilded Age, tariffs had been kept high.

13 Tariffs Solution Underwood Act (under president Wilson) lowers tariffs
$ that country used to get from tariffs is replaced by a graduated income tax 16th amendment Graduated? The more you make, the higher your tax rate

14 Monopolies and Trusts Problem Not enough competition
Leads to high prices for consumers

15 Monopolies and Trusts Solutions Clayton Act
Stronger version of Sherman anti-trust act Can break up monopolies Federal Trade Commission (FTC) set up as a trust ‘watchdog’ Can warn companies when they are getting too big

16 Banks Problems Unregulated banks can collapse  cause financial panics
Solutions Federal Reserve Bank of the banks Can loan money to banks to prevent collapses Can make rules for banks (for example, you can only loan out so much money)

17 End of the Progressive Era
World War I ( ) turns America’s attention away from Progressivism

18 Major Theme of this Lecture
Hansen Name _______________ U.S. History Period _______ Successes (and a few Failures) of the Progressive Movement (1870s to 1910) Major Theme of this Lecture By the late 19th century, the U.S. had fulfilled its Manifest Destiny  _____________________________ It had become a major industrial power and ____________ Wealth creation had been allowed ___________ . Some of the impacts did not match with ___________________ (equality, liberty, democracy, opportunity, rights) Progressives looked for ways to ____________________ _______________________________________________ Railroads Problems ___________________ Railroad company (Union Pacific) hired by _______ _________________________. to build railroad Railroad company stockholders set up _________ __________________________________ (Credit Mobilier) to build railroads. This company charged ____________________________, and stockholders took the extra. Congressmen were given _________________ ______________in order to ‘look _______________’ Price Fixing If there is only one railroad line, _____________ ________________ prices Example- many ____________ railroad trips cost more than ___________ ones What is the point here? Solutions _________________ tried to get laws passed Grangers- _______________’ union Munn v. Illinois and the Interstate Commerce Acts were attempts to ___________________________________ These _______________ Result- __________ railroads led to a large _____________ Women’s Rights Problems ____________ or hold office Not admitted _________________ __________________________ Women must be proper and lady-like at all times Solutions Women’s __________________________ Suffrage = the right to ___________ ______________________Convention  1848  women pledge to work for their rights Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton _____________________________ liquor store owners, factory owners (women are against child-labor), and men (who like __________________________) Some women were _________________ burned down houses, spit on police, etc. Pre- WWI  some states (____________) granted women the _______________________________ Post-WWI  women’s ____________________ _______convinced many that women deserve the vote _______Amendment Teddy Roosevelt President who ________________ Progressive reforms Thought president could use the ‘bully pulpit’ to ____ ____________________________ Bully pulpit- president’s voice is ____________ ______________________ using this pulpit (place to speak to a crowd) the _____________ _________________could be bullied

19 Tariffs Problem Factory owners want ___________________. Why? Protects them from ______________________________ Workers want lower tariffs. Why? _________________________________________. During the Gilded Age, tariffs had been kept __________. Solution ________________Act (under president Wilson) lowers tariffs $ that country used to get from tariffs is replaced by a ________ ____________________________________________________ _____________ amendment Graduated? The more you make, the _________________ __________________________________ Monopolies and Trusts Not enough ____________________ Leads to __________________________ for consumers Solutions ______________________________ ___________________ version of Sherman anti-trust act Can break up ____________________ Federal _______________________ (FTC) set up as a trust ‘______________________________________ Can warn companies when they are _________________ Banks Problems Unregulated banks can ____________ cause financial panics ________________________________ _________________________ the banks Can loan money to banks to prevent _______________ Can make ________________________ (for example, you can only loan out so much money) End of the Progressive Era _________________ ( ) turned America’s attention _______________ Progressivism Teddy Roosevelt (cont.) Promised Americans ________________________________ ‘Trustbuster’ – broke up more trusts than ________________ Sided with __________________ in a mine strike When mine owners wouldn’t compromise, TR threatened to ________________________________ ___________________________________________ Outlawed railroads giving ___________ to congressmen. Why? Form of _________________. First ‘conservationist’ president  set aside __________ for ‘the people’ Health Reforms Problems The Jungle Solutions ______________________________________ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Civil Rights Legal _____________________ ___________________ Presidents did not make this a priority, although they did help in a few _____________________________ Presidents are unwilling to pass ________________________ Civil Rights (cont.) Disagreement among African Americans about the proper _________ in the movement for equal rights Booker T ________________  Black people should work hard and pull themselves up without spending time focusing on __________________________  ___________________ can be dealt with once African Americans have ________________ E. B. _______________  Black people must demand ______ ___________________________________________________ _____________ set up on this second model

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