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Chocolate Confectionery

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1 Chocolate Confectionery
UK April 2013

2 Market Size and Forecast
Total UK retail value sales of chocolate confectionery, Source: Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan

3 Market Size and Forecast
Total UK retail volume sales of chocolate confectionery, Source: Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan

4 UK retail value sales of chocolate confectionery, by sector, 2012
Source: Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan

5 Consumer – Flavour Preferences
Consumer preference to chocolate, by flavour type, by age group, February 2013 Base: 1,432 internet users aged 16+ who have eaten chocolate in the past six months Source: GMI/Mintel

6 Consumer Attitudes Towards Chocolate Confectionery
Attitudes towards chocolate confectionery, February 2013 Base: 1,445 internet users who have bought or eaten chocolate confectionery in the past six months Source: GMI/Mintel

7 Consumer Attitudes Towards Chocolate Confectionery
Attitudes towards chocolate confectionery, February 2013 Base: 1,445 internet users who have bought or eaten chocolate confectionery in the past six months Source: GMI/Mintel

8 Consumer Attitudes Towards Price Rises in Chocolate
To assess the impact of rising ingredient prices in chocolate confectionery, respondents were asked: “What would you do if the price of your favourite chocolate product went up?” Base: 1,445 internet users who have bought or eaten chocolate confectionery in the past six months Source: GMI/Mintel

9 Target Groups relating to Chocolate Confectionery, February 2013
Cocoa Connoisseurs Are more likely than the others to consider higher cocoa content an important factor and demonstrate a strong preference for dark chocolate Flavour Adventurers Most likely to enjoy trying chocolate with exciting flavours such as chilli and wasabi. Their appreciation of alternatives to the norm is also reflected in the finding they are most likely to enjoy trying limited edition versions of their favourite Ethical Cynics Are most likely to distrust ethical claims on chocolate and most likely to disagree that ethically sourced chocolate is worth paying more for, consistent with a price-conscious approach to buying chocolate Choc Sharers Engaged with the sharing bag sector and more likely to have bought/eaten this format compared with other groups. Health is a concern for them: they are most likely to feel guilty about eating chocolate and place importance on low calorie, sugar and fat content when choosing a product Base: 1,445 internet users aged 16+ who have bought or eaten chocolate confectionery in the past six months Source: GMI/Mintel


11 Alex Beckett Senior Food Analyst +44 (0)

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