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Award 2 Course Tutoring Guidelines
GAA Coach Education Programme
The GAA model of Coach Education has been reformatted to take account of the different playing capacities that exist between Children (up to 12 years), Youths (age 13 – 18) and Adults (age 19+) and the competencies that a coach is required to display when working with each of the playing populations. Presentation title in footer
GAA Coach Education Programme - Rationale
Quality coaching plays a significant part in: Creating a playing environment that maximises involvement and enjoyment Promoting Gaelic games as safe pursuits Creating resources appropriate to all levels and for all personnel Ensuring that players are guided by qualified personnel Promoting a structured approach to coaching and coach education Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme
GAA Coach Education Programme - Rationale
The Award 2 Coach Education course is the third award on the coaching pathway of Gaelic games. The course is aimed at coaches that have progressed through the Foundation Award and Award 1 programmes and have experience as a Coach. Presentation title in footer
GAA Coach Education Programme - Rationale
The Award 2 Programme: Focuses on the further development of how and what to coach based on the playing group that you are involved with but also to look further at the integration of key areas that contribute to performance. Use of the OTú model to do a personal, player and team analysis. The Course is divided into a number of modules; some expose coaches to practical situations and others are designed to develop your knowledge base. Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme Philosophy
The course is designed to promote the development of self awareness and reflection Through modelling their coaching practice against the OTú Model. As coaches progress through the Award 2 programme, they are exposed to further aspects of the model, aiming to improve their ability across each area - facilitated by the Tutor. Presentation title in footer
Delivery Methods Employed
Award 2 Programme Delivery
Presentation Brainstorming Group Work Individual Work Practical Coaching Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme Tutor Responsibilities
Good preparation The quality of the delivery The ability of the course participants to apply the coaching principles Having fun and enjoyment. Presentation title in footer
Quality Assurance
Award 2 Programme Quality Assurance – Course Approval
Award 2 courses are organised through the Provincial Games Development Committee (or a specific committee organised to roll out Coach Education courses). Courses must be applied for and approved prior to the beginning of the course. A course approval form must be completed by the Course coordinator and sent to Croke Park 3 weeks prior to the commencement of a course Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme Quality Assurance – Course Approval
To gain course approval, the following criteria must be met: The course content must have been previously agreed by Coaching Ireland and the GAA All tutors must be recognised by Coaching Ireland A lead tutor must be deployed to coordinate the course An Internal Verification Officer must be appointed Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme Quality Assurance – Course Duration
The duration of the Award 2 course is: Child Course – 27.5 Hours on course, 27 Hours off course Youth Course – 27 Hours, 30 Hours off course Adult Course – 27 Hours, 30 Hours off course Should Provinces wish to run concurrent Award 2 Youth and Adult programmes, a complete Award 2 Youth Programme or a complete Award 2 Adult Programme is rolled out, with an additional day (4 ½ hours minimum) required to cover aspects of the Lifestyle and Physical Fitness modules appropriate to the other cohort of players. Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme Quality Assurance – Participant Assessment
The Award 2 certificate identifies that the participant has successfully met the attendance requirements of the course, and has successfully completed all the on course and off course assessments as defined. Assessment of competency is through Tutor observation and feedback during the course and as part of the final observation. Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme Quality Assurance – Participant Assessment
The final observation can be completed in person i.e. through a Tutor visitation, or through the submission of a DVD recording of a coaching session submitted for evaluation. This assessment must be completed within 3 months of the final date of the course. Guidelines regarding assessment are set out in the Assessment Guidelines booklet Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme Quality Assurance – Certification
Upon the completion of the Award 2 course, a Course Completion form must be completed by the Course coordinator at the end of the course. This form identifies the course tasks each course candidate has and has not completed. Candidates who have completed all course tasks will be denoted as C (i.e. complete). Candidates who have attended the course but not yet completed all the course requirements will be denoted as R (i.e. on route to completion). Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme Quality Assurance – Internal Verification Officer (IVO)
The organising committee must appoint an Internal Verification Officer The IVO is charged with ensuring that the programme is delivered according to prescribed standards and content. The IVO must be qualified Tutor Trainer who is not delivering as part of the programme. The IVO will complete and submit an IVO report to both the organising committee and the National Games Development Committee – through Croke Park. The IVO report will form part of the materials for the Course Certification meeting. Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme Quality Assurance – Summary
Pre Course: Submission of Coach Education Course Approval Form Appointment of appropriately qualified Tutors Appointment of Course Coordinator Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme Quality Assurance – Summary
On Course: Attendance by an Internal Verification Officer (IVO), who must be a qualified Tutor Trainer (not necessarily from a different Province to that organising the Course, and who does not deliver on the Course) Development of a Learning Portfolio for each participant Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Programme Quality Assurance – Summary
Post Course: Submission of a Course Completion Form IVO Report submitted to organising committee and Croke Park Learning Portfolio provides evidence of achievement by each participant Course Certification meeting held with GAA and Coaching Ireland Presentation title in footer
Course Structure
Award 2 Child Course
Award 2 Child Course - Overview
Module Tle Time Allocation On Course (Minutes) Total Time Allocation (Minutes) Theory/Practical Assessment Module 1 Introduction 30 60 90 Theory Module 2 OTú Model 120 180 300 On Course Self + Team + Player Assessment Module 3 Role of the Coach Module 4 Communication Module 5 Technical Proficiency 210 390 Off Course Planning + Delivery Module 6 Tactical Prowess Module 7 Team Play Module 8 Physical Literacy Module 9 Planning 240 On Course Development of Seasonal Plan Module 10 Participant Feedback Module 11 Psychological Focus 150 Module 12 Playing Rules Module 13 Lifestyle Child Module 14 Conclusion Final Assessment 480 Total 27.5 Hours 27 Hours 54 ½ Hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Child Course – Timetable
In many instances the Award 2 Programme will be delivered over a number of weekends rather than in a block number of days. In this instance the following is a recommended time table for delivery of the Award 2 Child programme. Weekend 1 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Introduction OTú Model 7.00 – pm 3 hours Saturday Role of the Coach Communication Technical Proficiency 9.00am – 5.00pm 11 hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Child Course – Timetable
Weekend 2 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Planning Psychological Focus (Part 1) 7.00 – pm 14 hours Saturday Psychological Focus (Part 2) Tactical Prowess 9.00am – 3.30pm 20.5 hours Weekend 3 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Lifestyle Playing Rules 7.00 – pm 23.5 hours Saturday Physical Literacy 9.30am – 1.30pm 27.5 hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Child Course – Timetable
Weekend 4 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Participant Feedback 7.30 – 9.00 pm 29 hours Saturday Team Play Conclusion 9.30am – 2.30pm 34 Hours Recommended total time required (Including Breaks etc) is 34 Hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Child Course - Assessment
Portfolio including: Coach Self Reflection against OTú Model Planning of Sessions for: Technical Proficiency Tactical Prowess Team Play Physical Literacy Delivery of 2 Coaching episodes from above Evidence of debrief of on course assignments by Tutor Planning and Delivery of Off Course Coaching Assignment Evidence of debrief of off course assignment by Tutor
Award 2 Youth Course
Award 2 Youth Course - Overview
Module Tle Time Allocation On Course (Minutes) Time Allocation Off Course (Minutes) Total Time Allocation (Minutes) Theory/Practical Assessment Module 1 Introduction 30 60 90 Theory Module 2 OTú Model 120 180 300 On Course Self + Team + Player Assessment Module 3 Role of the Coach Module 4 Communication Module 5 Technical Proficiency 150 330 Off Course Planning + Delivery Module 6 Tactical Prowess Module 7 Team Play Module 8 Physical Fness (Youth) 220 400 Module 9 Nutrition/Hydration Module 10 Planning and Periodisation 270 On Course Development of Seasonal Plan Module 11 Participant Feedback Module 12 Psychological Focus Module 13 Playing Rules Module 14 Talent Identification Module 15 Lifestyle (Youth) Module 16 Conclusion Final Assessment 480 Total 27 Hours 30 Hours 57 Hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Youth Course – Timetable
In many instances the Award 2 Programme will be delivered over a number of weekends rather than in a block number of days. In this instance the following is a recommended time table for delivery of the Award 2 Youth programme. Weekend 1 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Introduction OTú Model 7.00 – pm 3 hours Saturday Role of the Coach Communication Technical Proficiency 9.00am – 3.30pm 9.5 hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Youth Course – Timetable
Weekend 2 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Planning and Periodisation Psychological Focus (Part 1) 7.00 – pm 12.5 hours Saturday Talent Identification Tactical Prowess 9.00am – 3.30pm 19 hours Weekend 3 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Lifestyle Playing Rules 7.00 – pm 22 hours Saturday Physical Fitness 9.30am – 2.30pm 27.5 hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Youth Course – Timetable
Weekend 4 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Nutrition and Hydration 7.00 – 9.00 pm 29.5 hours Saturday Participant Feedback Team Play Conclusion 9.00am – 3.00pm 35.5 Hours Recommended total time required (Including Breaks etc) is 35.5 Hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Youth Course - Assessment
Portfolio including: Coach Self Reflection against OTú Model Planning of Sessions for: Technical Proficiency Tactical Prowess Team Play Physical Literacy Delivery of 2 Coaching episodes from above Evidence of debrief of on course assignments by Tutor Planning and Delivery of Off Course Coaching Assignment Evidence of debrief of off course assignment by Tutor
Award 2 Adult Course
Award 2 Adult Course - Overview
Module Tle Time Allocation On Course (Minutes) Time Allocation Off Course (Minutes) Total Time Allocation (Minutes) Theory/Practical Assessment Module 1 Introduction 30 60 90 Theory Module 2 OTú Model 120 180 300 On Course Self + Team + Player Assessment Module 3 Role of the Coach Module 4 Communication Module 5 Technical Proficiency 150 330 Off Course Planning + Delivery Module 6 Tactical Prowess Module 7 Team Play Module 8 Physical Fness (Adult) 200 380 Module 9 Nutrition/Hydration Module 10 Planning and Periodisation 270 On Course Development of Seasonal Plan Module 11 Participant Feedback Module 12 Psychological Focus Module 13 Playing Rules Module 14 Talent Identification Module 15 Lifestyle (Adult) Module 16 Conclusion Final Assessment 480 Total 27 Hours 30 Hours 57 Hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Adult Course – Timetable
In many instances the Award 2 Programme will be delivered over a number of weekends rather than in a block number of days. In this instance the following is a recommended time table for delivery of the Award 2 Adult programme. Weekend 1 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Introduction OTú Model 7.00 – pm 3 hours Saturday Role of the Coach Communication Technical Proficiency 9.00am – 3.30pm 9.5 hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Youth Course – Timetable
Weekend 2 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Planning and Periodisation Psychological Focus (Part 1) 7.00 – pm 12.5 hours Saturday Talent Identification Tactical Prowess 9.00am – 3.30pm 19 hours Weekend 3 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Lifestyle Playing Rules 7.00 – pm 22 hours Saturday Physical Fitness 9.30am – 2.30pm 27.5 hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Adult Course – Timetable
Weekend 4 Day Module Time Cumulative Time Friday Nutrition and Hydration 7.00 – 9.00 pm 29.5 hours Saturday Participant Feedback Team Play Conclusion 9.00am – 3.00pm 35.5 Hours Recommended total time required (Including Breaks etc) is 35.5 Hours Presentation title in footer
Award 2 Adult Course - Assessment
Portfolio including: Coach Self Reflection against OTú Model Planning of Sessions for: Technical Proficiency Tactical Prowess Team Play Physical Literacy Delivery of 2 Coaching episodes from above Evidence of debrief of on course assignments by Tutor Planning and Delivery of Off Course Coaching Assignment Evidence of debrief of off course assignment by Tutor
Award 2 Programme Roll Out
Should Provinces wish to run concurrent Award 2 Youth and Adult programmes A complete Award 2 Youth Programme or a complete Award 2 Adult Programme is rolled out, Additional time (4 ½ hours minimum) required to cover aspects of the Lifestyle and Physical Fitness modules appropriate to the other cohort of players.
Award 2 Programme Assessment
The Off Course Assessment is through the planning, delivery and review of a Coaching Session This assessment can be done through a Tutor Visitation or Award 2 candidates may if they choose submit a DVD sample of his or her coaching performance in a field setting that is part of his or her coaching activities. If the candidate does not have regular coaching activities, the candidate may arrange to conduct a session with a suitable Club, School or County team. However, the team coached must be appropriate for the stream of qualification being undertaken.
Award 2 Programme Assessment – Tutor Visitation
In the case of a Tutor Visitation It is the responsibility of the participant coach to indicate suitable times for a Tutor to visit The participant must arrange with the Tutor an agreed date and time The participant must prepare their session outline within the Assessment booklet The Tutor uses the Coach Assessment form to assess performance The Tutor employs the Debrief model to review the session and record in the Assessment Booklet
Award 2 Programme Assessment – DVD Submission
In the case of a DVD Submission The DVD submission must represent the candidate’s own original work and not copies or paraphrases of someone else’s work. The video-recorded instruction must be delivered as part of an actual coaching session (not simulated or staged). The recorded activities must represent an actual coaching session in which players actions and responses have not been scripted or rehearsed.
Award 2 Programme Assessment – DVD Submission
In the case of a DVD Submission: Within the 40 minutes of video-recorded coaching, the candidate must demonstrate in accordance with the assessment criteria identified within the Assessment Booklet. Progression of activities Variety in his or her coaching Instruction/Error correction Any whole group or non-whole-group coaching must be designed to give individual players or groups of players a central and active role in their own learning.
Award 2 Programme Assessment – DVD Submission
In the case of a DVD Submission: The submitted video recording must provide sufficient evidence of the candidate's coaching skills so that Tutors can judge the candidate's performance according to the Award 2 coach competencies. Coaching activities must be seen, heard, and understood. A video recording that consists of coaching activities with little or no direct, explicit instruction may not provide enough evidence for Tutors to judge the candidate's instructional delivery coaching skills.
Costs and Charges
Award 2 Programme Costs and Charges
The following Costs and Charges have been approved by the National Games Development Committee and serve as maximum charges and costs that may be levied towards the Award 2 programme. Provinces/Counties are free to impose charges and fees lower than those outlined here, but not higher. Programme Max Charge to Unit Max Charge to Individual Participants Max Tutor Fee If 2 Tutors? Award 2 (Single Code) N/A €150 €50/hour Divide Pro Rata Award 2 (Dual) Award 2 (Youth and Adult) €200
Award 2 Programme Costs and Charges
The maximum Tutor fee for delivery is €50/hour The maximum Tutor fee for conducting off course assessment is €20/participant. The maximum number of Tutor hours payable for a single code (i.e. Hurling or Gaelic football), single stream (i.e. Child, Youth or Adult) course is 52 No maximum number of Tutor hours were identified for a dual code course (i.e. both Hurling and Gaelic football) as the Award 2 programme is not delivered in this fashion
Award 2 Programme Costs and Charges
The maximum number of Tutor hours payable for a single code course covering both Youth and Adult programmes is 58 Therefore, the maximum Tutor fee payable for a single code Award 2 course be €2,600, i.e. €50/hour for 52 hours The maximum Tutor fee payable for a Youth and Adult Award 2 course be €2,900, i.e. €50/hour for 58 hours Where there are 2 or more Tutors are delivering on an Award 2 course, the Tutor fee be divided on a pro-rata basis between the Tutors
Award 2 Programme Costs and Charges
The was no maximum charge to a Unit for the delivery of an Award 2 course as the Award 2 programme is delivered on a Cross County/County basis The maximum charge to an individual for attendance at a single code, single stream Award 2 course be €150 The maximum charge to an individual for attendance at a single code covering both Youth and Adult Award 2 courses be €200
Award 2 Programme Costs and Charges
In the event of a late submission (i.e. more than 3 months after the end of the course) an additional charge of €20 be levied on the participant In the event of a reassessment being required, an additional charge of €20 be levied on the participant
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